June 11 Summer Training Vendorload rewrite exercise files
by Jim Martin 5 months, 1 week agoTomorrow, June 11, at our meeting in Columbus I will be sharing a rewrite of the OHvendorload script that will allow files with special characters to be loaded into the library software. My goal is that we can do some hands on training. In the confluence page for the meeting there is a zip file with some sample MARC records that you can load into your TEST instance during the session.
If you are attending tomorrow and would like to follow along please download the .zip file. Please have MarcEdit installed on your computer (https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads) and in the zip file along with the sample MARC records you will find a file called "Build949from852.task." This will need to be imported into MarcEdit. There is a PDF with step by step instructions. Feel free to try loading it yourself. I will be going over these steps tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow,
Jim Martin