INFOhio Transition to New Help Desk Environment

by Charles Schmiesing 1 year, 8 months ago

INFOhio is in the process of transitioning to a new Help Desk system utilizing Salesforce. This same system will eventually be utilized by several projects of the Management Council, as well as some ITCs, and the Ohio Department of Education. We are excited to explore the new system, but there will be a learning curve for INFOhio staff and for those supporting the Help Desk environment. We appreciate your patience while we become familiar with the new system.

One such problem occurred yesterday when the email intake process of the system experienced issues. The matter has since been remedied and we are trying to recover any incoming requests. However, if you attempted to reach us Monday, March 13, please send the request again and we will give it our prompt attention.

Another issue we are trying to address is the email address being used by the system, especially as new requests are being received and acknowledged. There have been some inconsistencies, so as you receive messages from the new Help Desk system you might receive messages from unexpected email addresses. We hope that issue will be addressed soon, but rest assured that the request has indeed been received, even if the email address is unfamiliar.

Finally, there are just a few outstanding requests in our previous Help Desk system. If you have an outstanding request, it might be resolved/closed in the old system, or it might be replicated in the new Help Desk system if we cannot fully address the request in the near term.

Again, thank you for your patience while we complete the transition to our new Help Desk system.
