Network Security Changes impacting after 3:00 p.m.
by Charles Schmiesing 1 year, 8 months agoThe Management Council will be implementing network security changes that might impact the server. This, in turn, might impact access to the CRC/INFOhio Catalog & TEMPL/INFOhio Template SmartPort targets in WorkFlows and Cataloging Source in BLUEcloud.
The Management Council is testing changes after 3:00 to minimize impact, if any, on users, while also allowing INFOhio staff to actively test changes and immediately report issues to get them corrected. This testing period could extend for several days while the environment is refined, but will always take place after 3:00 in the afternoon.
When we have thoroughly tested the network changes to, we will schedule times to make similar network changes to the other Symphony servers hosted at the MC Data Center with the goal of making the environment as secure as possible, while minimally impacting end users.
As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us at
What date will this 'after 3pm' testing begin?
Hi Lisa,
It actually started today. So far we haven't experienced any negative impact of the work they are doing (fingers crossed!)