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  • Health and Physical Education
Crickets on Sand
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Learn how to make your own hummus in a unique and healthy snack in this Fuel It! video with Brittany, Bryce and Pamela. After making their own hummus from chickpeas and spices, they spread it on a cake and top it with edamame to create their snack called Crickets on Sand. [3:48]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Be a Hero
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Anyone can be a hero! This dance sequence focuses on ways that students can be heroes in their communities. By recognizing that everyday actions like taking care of their health, and, in turn, the health of the people around them, can be heroic, students learn that they can make a big difference all on their own. The accompanying worksheet further encourages students to see themselves as heroes in their unique ways! "Be a Hero" activities encourage students to think about the impact of their actions and how to use their influence for good. How are you a hero to those around you? [4:39]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Believe in Yourself
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Believe in yourself! This dance sequence encourages students to identify and celebrate what makes them unique and amazing. We all have different strengths and talents; throughout this video, students will learn how to embrace their own and others. The additional support materials invite students to reflect on what makes them unique and their favorite things about themselves. Together, the video and support materials demonstrate the value of positive self-talk and self-esteem-building practices, while also encouraging self-awareness. [4:44]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Dance in China
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Have you noticed how your environment changes how you feel? This dance sequence, filmed in two different places in China, encourages students to tune in to their bodies and explore what those places make them feel. In doing so, students will also take note of their surroundings and, with this accompanying worksheet, will reflect on what it is about those places that is making them feel strong, calm, happy, or anything else. The teacher's guide outlines the recommended use of these materials, additional activities, and associated learning goals. [4:21]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Discover Your Passion
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What are you passionate about? This dance sequence encourages students to think about their passions and to share them with others. By emphasizing how it feels to do something you're passionate about, the video empowers students to embrace their interests and inspires them to reach for their dreams! The supplementary materials guide students through putting into words how they feel when doing what they love, taking pride in their passion, and thinking of ways they can share it with others. [4:11]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Express Your Emotions
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Gain a deeper understanding of emotions through movement and breathing! The "Express Your Emotions" dance sequence leads students through a check-in to better understand what they are feeling and how they can constructively show and release those emotions. Supplementary activities encourage students to think about what different emotions look like, what they associate with those emotions, and how to present them in productive ways. Students will also carefully reflect on emotions they have experienced in their own lives, how they managed them, and how they could manage similar feelings better in the future. [5:08]

Health and Physical Education
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PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Find Your Center
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Chi means energy. This dance sequence, modeled after the movement of Tai Chi, encourages learners to slow down, focus on their breathing, and appreciate being centered in their bodies. As students are guided through this video, they will discover how moving their bodies slowly and intentionally lets them focus their minds and develop self-awareness. The additional support material encourages educators to go on a nature walk with students, where everyone can take time to notice and appreciate their surroundings. [3:34]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Include All People
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Everyone is different, and that is an amazing thing! This dance sequence has students create a welcoming space around them and invite people in, encouraging them to think about and celebrate how they and their friends are different from each other. Additionally, the attached worksheet asks students to reflect on their real-life experiences and how they can best learn about and welcome their friends' differences. The "About this Resource" document provides suggestions for educators to help their students get the most out of these materials. [3:41]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Learn about Feelings
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Feelings can be hard to understand and express. The "Learn About Feelings" dance sequence helps students make sense of their emotions by tuning into their bodies and understanding what each emotion feels like. With the supplementary materials and recommended activities, students will also consider what these emotions look like, what causes them, and how that may be different for different people. [3:41]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Learn to be Thankful
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Gratitude is an important practice year-round. Whether used around Thanksgiving or at any other point in the year, the "Learn to be Thankful" video teaches students to see how much there is to be grateful for! Students are led through a dance sequence in which they thank their bodies, the sky, the ground, and their friends, and learn how important it is to express their appreciation. The supplementary materials ask students to reflect on other parts of their lives they are thankful for, and how it makes them feel to express their thanks. [3:59]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Dance to Success: Share with Others
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Come along, as this dance sequence takes learners out on the high seas, on a pirate ship! Along with their shipmates, students will see the importance of teamwork, sharing, and building social awareness and relationship skills. From swabbing the deck together to giving a fellow student a hearty hello, this video encourages students to find simple ways to collaborate and strengthen their team. Included are resource materials for teachers and student activity. [3:27]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Daniel Tiger: Life's Little Lesson: Separation
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Just as Daniel Tiger and Miss Elaina are learning how to go to school and be away from their families, the children in your classroom are learning these same skills. The separation may be easier for some kids and more difficult for others, but having a plan in place for gradual acclimation and strategies the children can employ throughout the day can help children learn to be more independent and remember that grownups do come back. [12:16]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: A Friend Just Wants to Play With You (Prince Wednesday)
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Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesday sing a song about when friends come over to play -- it doesn't matter what you do together, a friend is someone who wants to play with you. This song celebrates friendship, and that being together is what matters most. Included is a link to a supplemental activity. [1:09]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Arts and Craft
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Join Daniel Tiger and his friends in this collection of fun, printable activities! From creating puppets and Kindness Loops (just like in the show!) to making thoughtful cards for friends, these worksheets will encourage your child's creativity and social-emotional skills.

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Blast Off!
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Miss Elaina gets upset when her pretend cardboard spaceship breaks, and she doesn't want to play any longer. But Daniel reminds her, it doesn't matter what toy they play with, because he came to play with her, not her toys. [2:27]

Health and Physical Education
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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