Features of BookFlix
by INFOhio Staff 2 years, 6 months agoTake the BookFlix class to learn more about this digital resource licensed by INFOhio.
- Thinking about the students you work with, name at least two features of BookFlix that will most appeal to them based on what you learned from your quick glimpse of the resource.
- What is one question you have about the resource that you hope will be answered during the training?
- Think of a time when you used a website or online tool in your instruction. What did you like about using the digital resource? How was it different than using other resources in your teaching?
They will enjoy the story telling and the video style of story telling
How to fully incorporate BookFlix for meaningful and intentional learning
I like how there are different themes with sub themes, so that if you are doing a primary theme on animals, you can also find counting and shape books that follow that same theme. This is an area that I have struggled with in past
1. I think my students will really enjoy the video aspect of the stories-having them come to life and making connections with them. I also think that they will enjoy hearing a story read to them on a screen at times, instead of my voice!
2. Do parents need a special login to use Bookflix?
3. When using an online tool in instruction, I liked the ease of use and accessibility. Sometimes, websites need to be set up for each child to have a specific login, but I like the ones that are click and go.
1. As a Technology Integration Specialist, I do not necessarily work directly with students, but I think that this resource will appeal to their teachers because it supports literacy in a variety of ways with the read-alouds, the paired texts, Spanish resources, and the games/puzzlers.
2. How can this be used outside of school?
3. Many digital resources are more cost and time effective than traditional resources. In this case, purchasing this many texts and creating lesson plans, etc would be very costly and take a lot of time.
1. I like that this resource is for our youngest readers. It encourages non-fiction and fiction reading when establishing that love of reading.
2. I wonder if more titles will be added.
3. I like mixing up resources. Having some resources kids can touch and write on and others that are online to differentiate instruction and learning preferences.
In working with 3 year olds, I believe seeing the book come to life is an awesome feature. Also having the option to click on a highlighted word to learn it's meaning is a definite plus.
Can this resource be shared with the families of my students? Is there a fee?
The world today is geared more towards digital things. Using an Ipad or laptop for digital resources helps bring that connection to the classroom. In using a digital resource makes it easier to find and use information for reference in the classroom.
Hi! One of the resources that Infohio has is an editable letter to families. It's under the Resources tab as "Downloadable Resources." In the past, I have made my own letters to families when I introduced them to students because I knew they would go home telling their parents their own version of the resource being free and wonderful and often get confused. This way, they go directly to BookFlix through Infohio and there is much less confusion.
1) The layout of the site and the colorful, inviting images (book covers).
2) general use/navigation
3) visually appealing, easy to navigate
1. My students will love the video version of the nonfiction stories as well as the games/puzzles
2. I hope to learn how to share specific book pair links with students.
3. I like using digital resources because they usually give students many options for how they can consume the information.
1. One feature I know will appeal to my students is the visual nature of BookFlix. Another feature is the Spanish toggle button as I have some students who ELL.
2. What are some resources I can use when I introduce this to my students so I don't have to "reinvent the wheel" when creating materials to send home for reinformcement?
3. I like to use digital resources with my CleverTouch as I can allow ALL students to see and hear. Additionally, allowing the to "drive" gives me the ability to see their thinking through a problem better.
1. I think the read aloud option and the video/animated will appeal the most my 3-5 year olds.
2. Is there a code or special link that I need to send home for parents to use BookFlix at home with their child?
3. I like using websites and online tools that are interactive and can be used on my Promethean board during large group time and also on my classroom ipads for small group or free choice work. I like using resources that are simple for students to navigate with minor assistance, especially during small group or free choice time. This tool allowed me to select different books for different groups of students based on their interests and needs.
1. I work with many EL students, and the read aloud is very, very helpful. When read to them, my students can better comprehend the story.
2. How will I be able to track and record student progress?
3. I had students who liked working on Study Island because they would earn their way through the program. Raz Kids also does a good job of this. Students like to see their own progress. Some other resources aren't as user friendly and do not set goals and levels for students to work towards.
1. my students will enjoy the video and explore the web. They love to research.
2. Is it geared toward 4th graders.
3.With any website I like when it is easy to navigate for my students. Using websites makes it easy tor students to complete research projects.
1. I think my students will enjoy being able to watch the story and have it read aloud to them. I also think they will love both the fiction and nonfiction aspect of the story pairs. Young children are curious about their world so having the fictional stories connect with real world stories is a definite plus.
2. How I can properly share the links to licensed resources.
3. I love incorporating online tools in my instruction because it provides yet another way to impart information to students apart from the usual, but using online tools with young preschool children is more difficult to do in a whole group setting. I feel that Bookflix will be a great resource to use in this way.
They definitely like the audio feature and animated visuals. I haven't suggested it, but I'm wondering if some of my students might appreciate the spanish-language feature. I'll have to explore that option more thoroughly.
Students will enjoy the "paired" aspect. These kiddos don't always understand or remember the difference between fact and fiction--Bookflix allows them the experience both on a subject of interest. I know they enjoy the "read-aloud" feature for those not confident in their reading abilities.
Not sure....
The advantage of an online resource is that all (or most, provided they brought their devices) students can more quickly engage in the lesson.
!. The animated video read-alouds and the combination of fiction with non-fiction to relate real-world concepts with fiction.
2. Is there an app to access quicker?
3. the simplicity of the tool and the appeal to children. There have been digital resources that contradict this and are not useful for Preschool-aged children.
1. Different subjects of books and the ability of it readng to them.
2. How to incorporate it with my pre-k class
3. I lke websites that are easy to use and the accessibility of it.
I think students will enjoy how the fiction books come to life in videos. I also think the students will enjoy the bright colors and the wide array of books to choose from.
I don't really have any questions at this time, but I am looking forward to learning more about BookFlix and sharing the information with the classroom teachers.
Using digital resources in the classroom opens up a new world for students to explore. As in this case, the ability to bring a book to life and allow their imagination to run wild!
My k-2nd grade will especially like the read along functions that highlight as the book plays. It is good for word recognition. Also the spanish toggle button as many of my ESL students are spanish speakers.
What is the best way to get students to start using it independently
I enjoyed using peardeck with the older students for presentations. I like how I could add activities and quizzes and check points in the lesson that the students interact with so i can see where the entire class is as a whole