Schools and families need support/awareness So much content is available, but little awareness of the High Quality digital content Technology needs to be interactive and not passive ESL is a need Stats for how the work impacts early learners (Dolly Parton Imagination Library) is key Hard to find training on the INFOhio website Joint Media Engagement should be front and center for our site/early learning professionals and families Needs to be introduced to early learning community as a whole who aren't aware of this research Mention of putting this out on social media "Cut through the noise" engage early learning community with quality content Provide a checklist or short video to help early learning community with using tech (on our site)
Anyone who was in the meeting, feel free to add notes or questions/concerns here!
Hi Jill! Do you know when the next meeting will be and/or if there are any action items for the next meeting? I'm sorry I missed the first one!
Hi Kim! Sorry I haven't finished loading everything.
I'm going to be sending a survey for our standing meeting time/date each month.
And I'll add to the slide deck about action items!
I'll email everyone when all the things are here added, and ready to review!
sorry I wasn't patient!! Thank you for the info and I will look for the rest soon! Have a great day!