Concerned Parents

by INFOhio Staff 1 year, 11 months ago

Take the Using Technolgy with Early Learners class to learn more.

Fire is a necessity in life, though at one time it was a new and innovative element. Think about the rules you would establish for using fire when working with children. They might look something like these:

Use only when an adult is near.

Don't start unnecessary fires.

Don't stand too close to a fire.

Be cautious and watchful when you are around a fire. Sometimes they can spread.

Now think about the rules for using technology - television, mobile devices, media such as videos, digital games, and eBooks. How are these rules similar? Share your answers here.

Samantha Cornell 1 year, 9 months ago

Tech should only be used with direct adult supervision

Tech should be used for educational purposes

Tech time should be limited


Gretchen Lawn 1 year, 6 months ago

Like fire, technology should only be used when an adult is near and parents should be watchful and cautious while allowing a little bit of freedom. Unlike fire, it isn't about starting unnecessary fires or standing too close, but other rules might apply. 

For example, only use technology as it was intended (learning, socialization, etc.).

Remain current on technology applications, websites, filters, etc. so that you can know what your child is looking at always.


Victoria Lininger 1 year, 5 months ago

The rules are very similar...

Technology with/near adults

Only use when necessary or in limited amounts

Don't use it too much or literally use it too close to your face

Use caution when using technology.. a little can go along way.

Leanna Falbo 1 year, 4 months ago

My rules are the same as the ones listed. 

Use around or with an adult.

Time is earned not just given

Limited time span


Angela Aquila 1 year, 2 months ago

There is an overlap between rules for fire use and rules for technology use. Children should be monitored closely of what they are accessing on any device. They should also know how to use technology safely to reduce chances of damaging devices or the device itself becoming dangerous. Another is that children need to have their screen time limited so they do not get too used to staring at a screen for hours on end. Like fire, technology can be a useful and necessary tool, but if left unattended, it can become just as destructive. 

Megan Ramsey 11 months, 1 week ago

Rules for use of tech are similar.  Better to be prepared and have guidelines in place than to be reactive when there are problems.  It is important to establish handling of physical technology, usues of technology, and when to use technology.  

Emily de Villiers 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Tech should be used wih adult supervisionn in a common area.

Tech time should be limited, but also replaced with family time/other activities.

Adults should set up screen limits within tech to protect children from viewing inappropriate content and getting burned.