ICYMI: The Latest from INFOhio
by Sarah Mowery 7 months, 4 weeks agoGood morning!
In case you missed it, here’s the latest news and more from INFOhio:
- Challenge families and students to take the INFOhio Summer Challenge: Animals of the Ocean: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/summer-fun-with-infohio-s-beach-bingo
- Learn how to use and supplement your curriculum with INFOhio’s purchased eBooks in this new class: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/new-learning-pathway-class-quality-ebooks-from-infohio-to-supplement-curriculum
- Find computer and technology lessons from DigitalLearn and GCFGlobal in Open Space: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/digitallearn-and-gcfglobal-added-to-open-space
- Watch the recordings of the professional learning book talks from INFOhio’s most recent Lunch & Learns: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/lunch-learn-professional-learning-book-talks-webinar-series
- Support all learners with new accessibility features in BookFlix: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/accessibility-features-added-to-bookflix
- Browse the 500 additional new titles from Capstone: https://www.infohio.org/blog/item/1000-ebooks-purchased-from-capstone
Have a great rest of your week!