Library Leadership Ohio Presents: Be the Change: Practitioner Panel Q&A featuring Lori Lee

by Janet Ingraham Dwyer 2 years, 3 months ago

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

Building on the impactful conversations from our previous “Be the Change” presentations, Library Leadership Ohio invites you to join us on Thursday, October 13 at 2 p.m. EDT for the final live panel event in the series.   In June, attendees heard from Daniel Pink in “Beyond Resilience” and in August, they engaged in a hard-hitting and stirring conversation about Privacy, Advocacy and Intellectual Freedom John Chrastka and Alison Macrina.  


Click here to register for October 13 event.  


“I really enjoyed today's thought-provoking discussions. I'll admit that time doesn't always fly in virtual workshops, but today was an exception! AND THE RESOURCES. They are phenomenal.” 


This session will synthesize what it means to “Be the Change” with a panel of Ohio library professionals from public, academic, and school libraries. The panelists will answer questions from attendees and discuss important and timely topics in the library world. Submit questions for the panelists through the registration page or anonymously here.  These “Be the Change” panelists have diverse perspectives that reflect a range of experiences, library types, and leadership levels.  

Please note: To encourage authentic conversations in a safe environment, this live event will not be recorded. 




Luke Bentley – Assistant Branch Manager and Youth Services Supervisor, Delaware County District Library, Liberty Branch 


Ione Damasco – Professor; Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, Engagement, and Operations, University of Dayton 


Nancy Kirkpatrick – Executive Director and CEO, OhioNet 


Lori Lee – Assistant Director, INFOhio 


Jeff Regensburger – LSTA Coordinator, State Library of Ohio 

