ICoach 2024-2025 Post 7: Definition

by Emily Rozmus 2 months, 3 weeks ago
  1. Choose the three research findings that you believe make high-quality instructional materials important for your students. What factors or experiences lead you to choose these three?
  2. Explore SETDA's Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States website to learn how Ohio compares to other states in defining quality instructional materials. 
  3. Write your own definition of high-quality instructional materials using the links listed under What is the Definition of High-Quality?
Michael Lamp 4 weeks ago

High-quality instructional materials are essential because they are proven to increase student engagement, enhance comprehension, and provide equitable access to meaningful learning. These three aspects are critical for my students' success in ELA, where capturing interest, improving understanding, and ensuring all students can access valuable content make a lasting impact. My experience using less engaging materials made me realize that content alone is not enough; it must resonate with students to drive meaningful learning. This led me to search for instructional resources that go beyond the basics, supporting differentiated learning and sparking students' interest.

After exploring SETDA’s website, I see that Ohio, like many states, values alignment with standards but could further emphasize interactivity and accessibility in instructional materials. For me, high-quality instructional materials are those that not only meet curriculum standards but are also adaptable, engaging, and inclusive—offering students varied pathways to connect with and master the content.