Britannica for Kids

by Heidi Varansky 2 years, 6 months ago

Does anyone know of an alternative to Britannica Elementary? Apparently our 2nd grade teachers have used this every year to teach their dictionary standards, but it's not available this school year and they are in a slight panick. I have searched but can't find it anywhere on the website so I'm assuming it was replaced with something else and I just missed that information. 




Melissa Solema 2 years, 6 months ago

Britannica has not been part of the Libraries Connect Ohio collection for a little over 10 years. There were some links to Merriam Webster that were unpublished within IWonder, but not Britannica specifically. I'm not sure where the teachers were accessing it, but here are a couple options to consider. If they happen to have the bookmark they used before or know where on the website they found it I might be able to dig up some more information. 


Heidi Varansky 2 years, 6 months ago

I thought I was going crazy as I had never even heard of anyone using it in the past. I am going to assume they using the iWonder links. I will check with them to see if they have a link, but will also pass along the above information. Thanks so much!