Jennifer Eubanks 2 years, 5 months ago

I believe high-quality instructional materials are grade appropriate materials that offer differentiation and are standard aligned.  They need to have high engagement including a digital aspect with data collecting capabilities on assessments.  A key feature to a great curriculum is also the ease of access to professional development and support.

Tara Smith 2 years, 5 months ago

High-quality instructional materials connect/build upon other grade levels (k-3/k-8), align with standards, is research-based, and provides teachers with support/professional development. 

Sarah Kiefer 2 years, 5 months ago

High-quality instructional material must be vetted, research-based, and aligned to standards. They must be flexible enough to accomodate all of our students while also providing rigor to challenge them to be a better learner.

Anne Hribar 2 years, 5 months ago

High-quality instructional materials should characteristically be from reputable resources, based upon evidential research, culturally relevant, equitable in access, differentiated by design, supported by learning standards, and offer educators means of scaffolding learning experiences.

Megan Leighty 2 years, 4 months ago

High quality instructional materials should offer grade appropriate materials aligned to learning standards. Additionally, there should be built in opportunities for creating engagement and differentiation for learning styles and levels. The material should also be easily usable for both students and teachers. 

Beth Blaustein 2 years, 4 months ago

High-Quality Instructional Materials should create a culture of continuous, purposeful, learning for educators and students using aligned to standards, content-rich, flexible, researched-based materials.

Paul McIntyre 2 years, 4 months ago

High quality instructional material needs to incorporate research-based strategies that have been vetted by a reputable educational organization.  Teachers need access to current and relevant instructional materials that will meet students' various learning styles and needs aligned with Ohio's Learning Standards.  Finally, access to quality formative and summative assessment aligned with instruction and learning standards.

Allan Brown 2 years, 4 months ago

High-quality instructional materials are compiled, rigorous, data supported resources that align to state standards and provide students and teachers with individualized support based on needs. 

Shelley Bowers 2 years, 4 months ago

High-quality instructional materials should be research-based and standard aligned materials that promote growth in student learning providing support based on the needs of students and teachers.

Trina Carter 2 years, 4 months ago

High-quality materials comes from a trusted source, perused and tested by strong classroom instructors to make sure the materials are flexible enough to prepare all students, regardless of learning styles or barriers for future academic and personal success, and is accessible to teachers and students through a variety of formats with the same level of quality in each format.

Chad Hoffman 2 years, 4 months ago

I define high quality instructional materials as resources that are current, relavant, and engaing. They also must be researched based, standards aligned, and grade level appropriate for learners.  

Kara Hemminger 2 years, 4 months ago

High-quality instructional materials are research- and standards-based, provide opportunities for differentiation, be engaging, relevant, and bias-free. 

Jessica Long 2 years, 4 months ago

High-quality intructional materials should be aligned with standards, research-based, and able to meet the needs of diverse learners. They should be vetted ot make sure they are free of bias and are culturally sensitive.

Rebecca Thomas 2 years, 4 months ago

High quality instructional materials are research based, free of bias, and allow for differentiation to meet the needs of all learners. They should align with standards and allow for training and professional development to effectively implement their use.

Melanie Wightman 2 years, 4 months ago

To me, high quality instructional materials have evidence-based pedagogy baked in.  For instance, BOOKFLIX provides CHOICE and multiple means of representation. A beginner can read along, watch or listen, and reflect and relate. These qualities also belong to resources for more advanced students, for instance, Science Online and Research 4 Success.  This latter embeds the writing process.