LaTonya Coats 2 years, 1 month ago

My PD would focus on connecting scholars to careers.  I would use Bookfllix as a resource because the animated stories will help scholars learn about different careers in addition to having access to lesson plans that link fiction and nonfiction resources together.  I would also use World Book Early Learning because this source will be beneficial for career research.  One valuable supporting material that I appreciated was the Creative Career Awareness For K-5 Learners.  This is where you have access to various other resources and materials to assist you.

Tracie Kleman 2 years ago

I decided to create a quick playlist for our Science department about Today's Science because I think they will really like the resource and find it chock full of high quality materials. I found videos through the blog and bookmarks too...but the best way to get teachers interested in something is to give them time and opportunity to do so! I hope this playlist does the trick😊!

Michelle Neal 2 years ago

I chose Bookflix.  I would present this to elementary teachers and discuss the importance of using paired texts.  The Bookflix fact sheet is amazing.  I know the features of Bookflix along with the awards it has earned would certainly interest many teachers.  There is a Learning Pathway for Bookflix that I could share with our literacy coaches and reading teachers at the elementary level.  

Michelle Lombardi 1 year, 11 months ago

I would create a PD centered around inquiry because it can be applied to any content area. To support the professional development, I would focus on the 6-12 Digital Content Learning Pathway. I would ahve participants begin by reading the Teach with INFOhio blog post, "Inquiry and INFOhio." I would then use the iWonder video tutorial, as well as some of the research bookmarks to promote helpful INFOhio resources for research. I would also have teachers view the webinar, "Hidden Gems of World Book Student" to showcase one great tool that students can use to further their research on just about any topic. 

Payton Norris 1 year, 11 months ago

The resources I would share are PebbleGo Next and GO! Ask, Act, Achieve. I would present this to elementary teachers, specifically those teaching science and social studies. I think this would be a useful PD session because it would allow teachers to gain new resources, as well as learn about inquiry based education. The Google Doc supports on GO! Ask, Act, Achieve would help support and give confidence to teachers trying inquiry based learning for the first time in their classrooms.

Christine Wenning 1 year, 11 months ago

I am currently working with our district tech integration specialist to create a PD opportunity for all of the elementary library techs and the elementary building techs.  Our focus is using INFOhio resources as supplemental classroom resources or as curriculum resources.  I can't be at all of the schools, so we are hoping that this is a jumping off point as a resource partnership that will not only benefit student learning, but help teachers realize all of the teaching resources available on INFOhio.  I would suggest the K-5 Digital Content Learning Pathway - specifically, Gale In Context Elementary will be the example that I will use in the PD.  Learn with INFOhio has a great webinar titled - Fall into Gale Resources: Gale in Context Elementary.  The Teach with INFOhio Blog had a Monday Mini Lesson titled "Using Gale in Context Elementary to teach best practices for digital reading" that could be useful.  It does focus on effective digital reading when we were teaching remotely, but I think these are good skills for students to use whenever they are reading digitally.  Since our school is one to one, students read digitally most of the time for classwork - a number of high school text books are only availably digitally. 

Taryn Thomas 1 year, 9 months ago

I am choosing the World Book Student resource. The best learning pathway would be the 6-12 Digital Content Learning Pathway and under this, the World Book Student and Advanced class is done. The brochure I would use is the World Book Online Brochure. The video I would use would be the tutorials under World Book Student and how to use World Book. Specifically the Citation builder, Biography Center, and How to do Research, as well as the Educator Tools video. The Blog Post I would use is the Research Skills: Using the World Book Database WebQuest. This will help out our teachers and students tremendously with our research paper unit. 

Christine Badenhop 1 year, 9 months ago

Taryn and I chose World Book Student since we collaborate on research projects with our students.  Prior to begining the research aspect we plan on introducing the teachers/students to World Book Student by giving them both the World Book online brochure so they have a visual and also showing them the World Book training videos located at the bottom of the World Book Student homepage  under training and support.  We used these videos when learning about the resource ourselves and found them very helpful.  Next we would guide our staff to the blog post webquest called Research Skills Using World Book - webquest.  After using these with staff, we also plan on doing it with our students so they feel comfortable working in World Book student and finding information easily.  

Aaron Hartzler 1 year, 8 months ago

I would focus my PD on the Points of View Reference Center through the 6-12 Digital Content Learning Pathway.  We would use the Points of View Reference Center class as the basis for our PD session.  Teachers would begin by completing the pre-test (I would reformat this for my own use).  The class consists of many resources, including a video tutorial.  If I wanted to flip the PD, I could easily put this video through EdPuzzle for teachers to watch before the session.  While I do not typically provide hard copy handouts in my sessions, this class also has a guided notes document which I think would be great for teachers to use with their students.  There are additional documents in the class such as “using the text to speech feature” which will be helpful for reference.

The email template, handout, and posters are all great!

I would love to incorporate the webinar Monday Mini Lessons: Using Points of View Reference Center to Teach Social Awareness with my teaching staff as well.  I haven’t decided if I would share this at the end of the session or if we would watch it together and then work through how to apply it.

The blog posts INFOHIO RESOURCES SUPPORT SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING: GRADES 9-12  and REMOTE LEARNING WITH INFOHIO: GRADES 9-12 would be great to direct teachers to as a post session resources.

Jeannie Mansfield 1 year, 8 months ago

I chose the resource, Capstone Interactive ebooks. While Capstone Interactive ebooks are marketed in the 6-8 collection of resources via INFOhio, I did not see a Learning Pathway for this resource included in the 6-12 Learning Pathway links. There was not a Capstone flyer/poster; however, there was a bookmark. There were webinars available--"Through the Capstone Lens: Capture Science Content" and " Through the Capstone Lens: Zoom into Social Studies." In the Teach with INFOhio's Blog Post, there was a link for "Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio's Capstone interactive ebooks. I did find more training support by going to Capstone and clicking on the "i" icon. That brought up training and support links that were useful, including a poster.


Off topic, but extremely important, I studied the "World Book Citation Poster" provided in the Document Library. This poster uses the MLA 8th edition, and academic institutions are currently using the MLA 9th edition. While changes may be slight, this is problematic, and classroom teachers will not want to utilize it. I wonder if the World Book's Citation Builder is utilizing the 8th edition, rather than the 9th. Again, this is not a resource worth sharing if it is not updated. I am hopeful that this will be noted and improved:)

Michelle Detter 1 year, 8 months ago

I chose Capstone Interactive ebooks.  There was no learning pathway for 6-12.  I did find fliers and videos.  Was able to find a webinar and blog.

I'm a library aide and assist the library media specialist.  It's important for me be familiar with the resources and training but will be unlikely I will be training the educators.

mary sauder 1 year, 8 months ago

I would use the CLEO resources because our 7-12 teachers and Ohio Stds want students to be employable when they graduate which is also one of Hilltop's attributes.


There isn't a specific learning pathway however it is one of the resources under the Educator Tools


Students need support to grow and thrive in a post-pandemic education environment. The Create, Lead, Empower Ohio toolkit for Ohio educators includes links to both vetted, licensed INFOhio resources and sites freely accessible via the web. 

The Create, Lead, Empower Ohio toolkit is a curated collection of websites, lesson plans, digital content, supplemental instructional materials, and instructional units for educators. Create, Lead, Empower Ohio offers supplemental instructional support for content-area teachers, fine arts and industrial arts, focusing on content that integrates the following skills in classrooms:

  • 21st-century literacies
  • Career exploration and planning
  • Self-directed learning
  • Employability skills 

I would use the flyers to augment and show them the resources for the digital literacy that are available and free for teachers.

Karen Thomas 1 year, 8 months ago
  1. I believe the best place to start for any PD training with INFOhio is with WorldBook. I'm just not sure how I want to approach it. Would it be better to divide and focus on each level, as outlined by WorldBook or Introduce WorldBook as a whole and give them time to delve into the grade levels that interests them most?
  2. WorldBook Student and Advanced would be for my middle and high school teachers while WorldBook Early Learning and Kids would be for my elementary teachers.
  3. There are WorldBook tutorials for all 4 versions of WorldBook available. I would share those with staff, via email, prior to training to help the teachers understand what will be covered and maybe guide them to a specific WorldBook to be used in their classroom.
  4. There are several fun and engaging webquests for the teachers to do and possibly use that will reinforce WorldBook's worth as a tool to teach.
  5. Simple Strategies to Supplement World Book Kids is one example of a blog post that could be useful. There's also a post about WorldBook eBooks being purchased that might be worth the read.
Michele Rittichier 1 year, 8 months ago

I chose World Book Advance as my resource.  As the librarian in a high school our students not only have research papers to write but I have students taking college corses too. This resorce gives them a great starting point to help find a focus for their reports.  Citation Builder is valuable to the students as well.

Kara Kennedy 1 year, 7 months ago

1. I chose World Alamanc for Kids Elementary. 

2. The best INFOhio Learning Pathway class to support the training would be the World Almanac for Kids Elementary one in the K-5 Digital Content Learning Pathway.

3. The Document Library has a flyer, poster, bookmark, and World Almanac for Kids Overview and Tutorial videos to help with the training. 

4. The webinar Spring Into Science: The World Almanac for Kids Elementary would be great for the training. 


Amanda Whitmore 1 year, 6 months ago

My role in the district is to support educators with technology use in the classroom. Therefore if I was holding a professional development it would be centered around any of the materials in INFOhio. However, I think I would want to do one based on digital citizenship and how to use online resources correctly. Therefore the pathway I would use would be 3-5. It has a piece based around tech in the classroom and well as each lesson is based on an activiiteds that would help students utilize in a specific way to lead them to the fact that technology is a support.