What Did You Learn from the IWonder Class?

by INFOhio Staff 2 years, 3 months ago

What was the most important thing you learned about IWonder? What makes it important to you?

Emily Kriegel 1 year, 11 months ago

1) What part of the class and its activities was most helpful in your understanding of IWonder? Why?

I think the sample lesson plan and the student guide for Genius Hour is most helpful. Like I said in a previous post, I think the scaffolding and front work that you put into the unit is the most important. You don't want to toss this at students like busy work because then they will treat it that way. If you plan it and present it carefully and correctly, this is a very meaningful resource for students. 

2) What part of the class could be better? What would you do to improve it? Why?

I really can't think of anything right now, but I'll come back and edit this if I do. 

3) What was the most important thing you learned about IWonder?

The most important thing I learned was how to structure and scaffold a lesson using IWonder. Seeing a lesson plan with the appropriate time spelled out would give me the place to start as a teacher. 

Tracie Kleman 1 year, 10 months ago

For me it is definitely the great resources curated for our EL learners in the hub of "Do you want to learn a language" and then do you want to practice English. It can be a real challenge to find engaging content for students that are in high school but whose English skills are much lower.


As for the class, I think the organization of the INFOhio certification took me quite some time to understand the logistics of it....open space discussions, some learning in pathways, others right inside the course itself. I think a flow chart would really help me conceptualize where to find the elements and how to proceed...but nothing in particular for Iwonder itself!

Timothy Fuller 1 year, 6 months ago

I like the ready made forms that give a guideline and consistency to the classroom. This allows students to share and help each other with their projects and encourages the collaboration (socialization) of the students.

Rachel Robson 11 months, 2 weeks ago

I learned about using Genius Hour which is in line with my school's personalized learning initiative. I plan to share it with the teachers at my school so they can utilize it in their classrooms.