Instructional Materials from Points of View Reference Source

by INFOhio Staff 2 years, 1 month ago

Do a search in Points of View Reference Source on a topic that you will be teaching and share an article on this thread explaining why it will support your curriculum and benefit your students. 

Tracie Kleman 1 year, 9 months ago

As an Innovation Specialist I provide opportunities for teachers to get PD that relates to them and a chance to discuss articles they may find illuminating in our LMS discussion. This article will hopefully do just that! It was easy to find a really interesting and current article on personalized learning, a district goal!

Fiona Casida 1 year, 8 months ago

Fake news is such a hot topic right now, and I want my students to be wise consumers of information. Using the following article will be helpful for student workshops as well as offering "fake" news as a potential research topic for students. I'm using the permalink below :) 

Fake News Article