Upcoming Vote: Collapsible Facets in ISearch
by Janah Shumaker 1 month, 3 weeks agoGood afternoon!
Back in August, we asked UC to discuss at your regional meetings a potential change to ISearch facets/filters along the left side of the page. Currently, facets are expanded which can cause them to display farther down the page than the results. The proposed change would collapse the facets and users would then open individual facets as needed.
To help everyone understand all perspectives, as you discuss at your user meetings, please feel free to add any discussion you've had about it here.
We will be discussing this and opening voting at the October 17 meeting.
Hi! At NEOnet's meeting last week multiple people were stating that they liked the filters open. They felt as if they were there and not condensed students would use them more frequently. It was also stated that liibrarians were showing the students how to use the filters.
One librarian stated that they use the following filters more frequently:
Format, Item Group, Subject, Reading Program