Share Your Library Success Story: Busload of Books Visits Eastern Local Schools

by Janah Shumaker 1 year, 4 months ago

Good Morning!

Lisa Wendt of META Solutions recently shared this story with us that we wanted to share with you. On November 7th, the author and illustrator couple of numerous children's books, Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr, brought their "Busload of Books" tour to Eastern Local Schools. The tour is visiting one school district in each of the 50 states in the United States. Eastern Local was chosen after Chris Adkins (UC rep for META) wrote an essay about why Eastern Local would be a good choice for the visit.  

The tour focuses on Title I schools with low-income students to draw attention to the plight of underfunded education and literacy issues.  Matthew and Robbi, with the help of various organizations, raised the money for the tour and provided books for all of the students in grades Pre-K-8, held an assembly for the students, and had a luncheon for the most at-risk students. About the visit, Chris said, "It was fantastic! I am still getting remarks from teachers about how much they and their students loved it and how even reluctant readers were reading their free books that day. It was a wonderful day!"

If you have questions about this program, please reach out to Chris at Do you have a school library success to share? Please post it in our Users Council Open Space group.

Lisa Wendt 1 year, 4 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS Chris!   You are a strong advocate for your students, media literacy and INFOhio and we are happy to toot your horn :-)

Denette Mottayaw 1 year, 2 months ago

This sounds like a wonderful program! How lucky for Chris and Easter Local to be able to take part in in!