Tech competition for High School Students

by Dennis Haft 1 year, 2 months ago

Hi Everyone,

I was sent informaton about a tech competition in November,

Here is the website for details:



Hannah Garen 1 year, 2 months ago

This looks very cool! Thank you for sharing! I love finding competitions for students to apply the skills that they have been learning. 

Do you know of any other competitions? Maybe some using physics or chemistry? Any other academic areas? - This is a national competition that I have had students compete in previously. It was a great way to use their skills in a real world experience. 

Dennis Haft 1 year, 2 months ago

Thanks Hannah,

I will certainly let everyone know if I hear of any.  

One organization that hosts a lot of events for students of all ages in the Young Entreprenuers Institute.

Here is there website if interested.

Hannah Garen 1 year, 2 months ago

Thank you Dennis,

They do have great competitions and resources. I appreciate the reminder!