SymphonyWeb Check-In: SymphonyWeb Pilot Flyer

by Kamile Shed 8 months, 1 week ago

Hello All,

There have been some districts that have decided to continue with SymphonyWeb after the pilot ends. These school districts have worked with their technical department and school administrators and have found that the library budget will not be used to pay for SymphonyWeb. Instead their techinical staff and school administrators have found other funds to pay for SymphonyWeb.  If you are interested in SympohnyWeb after the pilot ends, I would urge you to meet with your technical staff and school administrators to discuss SymphonyWeb. 

Also, soon we will have an accompanying flyer that will highlight some of the benefits of the SymphonyWeb interface that you can share.

Stay tuned for more soon!


Kamile Shed 8 months, 1 week ago

Thanks Heeather, stay tuned for the flyer that will be posted soon!

