SymphonyWeb Check-in

by Kamile Shed 1 year, 10 months ago

Good morning All,

Welcome to all the new participants in the SymphonyWeb pilot!  Please see an update of the following items that have been added to the SirsiDynix enhancement forum:

98933 - Ability to update FROM address for email receipts-- Currently Open
98896 - Allow Balloon helep to Display User: User Search Screen - Currently Open
98642 - Enter button should clear pop-ups like WorkFlows - Currently Open
96923 - Search list results skip when scrolled - Jira Open
96782 - Resize SymphonyWeb window - Currently Open
96700 - Allow font size to be changed in SymphonyWeb - Jira Open

Also, if you have not run reports in SymphonyWeb before please take a moment to review the documentation located in the WorkFlows Handbook: If you are using a Chromebook reports can be open using your Google Drive, however at the moment labels cannot be ran from the Chromebook using the Google Drive. If interested there is a video on how to open reports on a Chromebook using Google Drive: .

When using SymphonyWeb for the first time please keep in mind that the properties that you have set in the WorkFlows environment do not apply in SymphonyWeb.  The properties have to be setup and saved in SymphonyWeb.  However, once setup and saved the properties in SymphonyWeb will transfer from one computer to another.

I hope you have a great week, and please continue to provide feedback as it helps improve SymphonyWeb!

Thank you,
