SymphonyWeb Check-in

by Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Hello All,

I hope all is still going well with you and your use of SymphonyWeb. If not, please provide feedback on what you are experiecing in the discussion area. We have had a number of new pilot participants so I'd like to say Welcome to the SymphonyWeb pilot!  Also, I want to provide an update of how things are going thus far with the two bugs found in SymphonyWeb.  SirsiDynix provided a proposed resolution for both the Global Item Modify Scan issue and the highlighting issue when continously scanning items.  After testing the proposed solution I found neither solution worked as expected, and reported my outcome to SirsiDynix. Both cases are now back in Task Force status so additional work done on these issues by the SirsiDynix team. On another note, we are moving very close to a solution for those using Chromebooks to be able to open barcode labels in Google.  Stay tuned!

Lastly, I'd like to know if there are any participants that are using SymphonyWeb on a daily basis as your primary Library Services Platform?  If so, please reply to this discussion forum.

Thanks for your continued feedback and participantion,




Joe Falk 1 year, 1 month ago

We are using it at the circulation desk for student circulation. Still using Workflows in our offices for cataloging and such.

Teanna Weeks 1 year, 1 month ago

I use SymphonyWeb daily, almost exclusively. I'm so used to using BLUEcloud for cataloging items that don't have a record, so I will use it in those instances, in lieu of using SmartPORT.

Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Teanna, thank you for the feedback!  BLUEcloud is an excellent tool for cataloging and very user friendly, compared to Smartport.

Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Thank you Cindy!  Are you using WorkFlows or BLUEcloud for cataloging?


Cindy Scott 1 year, 1 month ago

I'm probably going to use Workflows - I have new books coming next week.  I'll look into BLUECloud and have done some clean-up cataloging through BlueCloud.


Erik Burgeson 1 year, 1 month ago

This soultion came along at the exact time that WorkFlows ceased to work on my circulation computer.  Tech services told me it would be months before I  would get a computer on which they could install a new copy of WF.  So, they gave me a loaner laptop.  I ditched that laptop as soon as I verified that I could use the web solution for everything I needed.  I have not looked back since.  Everyday use at this point.

Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Awesome, good to hear that you are using SymphonyWeb for both circuation and cataloging. Thank you for your response, Erik!



Sascha Durben 1 year, 1 month ago

We are using SymphonyWeb in all 4 of our buildings now as our main circualtion.  When it comes to running reports, I use a little bit of both, but prefer WorkFlows.  When it comes to inventory, we'll use MobileCirc.  Our tech depertment wants to completely take us off PCs, getting rid of WorkFlows, for easier pushouts for updates as the rest of the district receives, so I've asked Jim information on using 365 for reports.  He's given me some information, but am waiting on tech to set up a 365 account for me to test out reports that doen't require Word.  After they get that for me, I can test it out when I have time.  Might not really be until next year at this point.  We'll see.

Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Hello Sacha,

Thank you for the feedback!  I currently have Office 365 on my personal computer, I will have to test reports to see how they open.  On, my computer I also have the apps downloaded so I should be able to open them easily.  I will work on testing this scenario as well.  Thanks again for the feedback.



Sascha Durben 1 year, 1 month ago

Here is what Jim has tested out so far...


I just did some testing in SymphonyWeb  with reports and 0365

I ran a shelf list report and a dumb label report for testing. I expected the shelf list report to open fine as it is just text. I expected the dumb lables to maybe be different because of the table layout and the barcode font


My steps were

In SymphonyWeb setup and ran reports

On the Finished Reports section I selected shelf list report, click DOWNLOAD button

Changed to an 0365 folder

Typed file name of shelflist.docx   (the key to making this work with no problem is that you will have to type the extension of .DOCX

I went to 0365 folder, clicked on the report and it opened just fine

The key to making this work with no problem is that you will have to type the extension of .DOCX


I repeated these steps with a set of dumb labels and they also opened just fine

Again, the key to making this work with no problem is that you have to type the extension of .DOCX


Kamile Shed 1 year, 1 month ago

Thanks for the instructions Sascha, this is definently one way to open using O365, I have the apps downloaded on my laptop as well and wonder if the system will recognize the file. I will test this out as well.