SymphonyWeb - Reports with Google Docs

by Sascha Durben 1 year ago

Hi, Kamile.  There was discussion this fall about using Google Docs to open reports with SymphonyWeb.  I haven't had time to look into the responses and directions until today and decided to give it a try since I need a report.  I used the link that was pasted in the SymphonyWeb Check-In discussion from September, but that link only has Word & Excel directions.  I looked in the Library Services Handbook, but it's the same thing.  I haven't not found anything with specific directions to open reports with Google Docs.  Thanks!

Kamile Shed 1 year ago

Hello Sascha,

The instructions in the Library Services Handbook, for SymphonyWeb Reports only details opening reports from the local computer.  To open reports in Google Docs, you will Download the report in SymphonyWeb and save the report to the Google Drive and My Drive. You can name the report and update the extention to .doc.


Once you save the report, you can then log into your Google account or if you are already logged in you can refresh your page and you should see the report under My Drive in your Google Drive and then you can open it in Google Docs.

Let me know if you have questions.



Sascha Durben 8 months, 1 week ago

Hi, Kamile.  I'm in discussions with my tech department and use of SymphonyWeb in the future.  I know barcodes will be available in Google Docs after the upgrade this summer.  In addition to that, one of my other main concerns is can I do spine labels in google Docs?  I did a test run today and changed to download to .doc, then opened it in Google Docs, but the labels did not format.  Just a bunch of letters.


Kamile Shed 8 months, 1 week ago

Hello Sascha,

Over the summer we will be moving to the Google barcode font, this will allow you to open barcodes in Google Docs. At the current moment this will not be possible due to the report format in WorkFlows using the Free 3 of 9 formatting. Also, there are a two format changes that will need to be made to make the labels fit the standard Avery 5160 label format.   have just tested and found Google has made some changes that have an effect on how spiine labels open but have found a workaround.  Would you mind testing this process and printing and let me know how this works for you?  I have attached a link to a video on how to do the process. I would love to hear your feedback!

Spine Label Format -


Sascha Durben 8 months, 1 week ago

Hi, Kamile.  I did those steps for spine labels from SymphonyWeb to Google Docs and they printed out fine.

My tech department gave me access to Microsoft 365 to also test out for barcodes and spine labels with SymphonyWeb.  I know the barcode font won't come through until after the upgrade, but I'd like to try running both in 365 as a test.  Jim gave me directions last spring to try, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and focus on the process since I don't have blocks of time to test stuff out.  I'm doing this in a spare 10-15 minutes here and there just to try to test some of this out for our tech department.  I just tested out the Microsoft 365 today, but I can't get it to go correctly.  After it downloads for me and I change the end to .docx, then I upload to 365, 365 tells me it doesn't recognize the command when I try to open it.  When I run WorkFlows, everything automatically goes to Microsoft Word, so I can select where it goes or what it uses.  I don't know where in my settings I enable the option to make selections since it's been automatic for me for 17 years.  =-)