Did you make it here?
by Brice Harris 3 years, 7 months agoWhat are you thoughts about how your might use a discussion board like this?
I'm seeing that this discussion box is well equipped with buttons!
What are you thoughts about how your might use a discussion board like this?
I'm seeing that this discussion box is well equipped with buttons!
One practical way to use this discussion board is feedback. For example, if I use the Groups feature with my classes or my colleagues, one goal I have is to select lessons based on student choice (self-directed learning). Here the students could discuss their choices with me and one another to find suitable content.
This would be a great place for teachers to discuss their thoughts on the lessons. They could even post links to other lessons not included in Open Space that they found a valuable tool in theor classroom.
I think this would be a great place for teachers to share feedback with each other. If the grade level teachers all create a common group, then even if ther isn't common planning time, discussions here could still take place. We have to follow the same pacing guides per grade level, and I think this discussion board would be a place where we could all keep each other up to date as to new ideas, concepts, lessons, etc.
I liked how the video board suggested making a group with teachers who do not live by you, but you still can collaboate with them.
It would be a great resource for schools like mine who have several teachers in the smae grade/content area to use to share resources, links, ideas and more. Also, if there is limited common planning times amongst the grade level/content area this would be helpful when planning together.
Being a teacher of 2nd graders, I don't see me using this discussion board with my students. However, as a tool of communication with colleagues, we would be able to share our teaching resources/tools with each other without having to have a physical meeting. Also, the last several years, our building dynamics have changed yearly and common planning time amond grade level colleagues has made it difficult to get together often. This would help with that situation.
I agree Lisa. I teach first grade and this format is very complex to use with primary students. I could see it as a professional resource.
I am here. The discussion board may be a good place to keep track of conversation and work flow when working collaboratively on a unit with colleagues. There are a lot of buttons which makes me wonder if a face-to-face meeting or Google Meet might be helpful sometimes.
one could record a video chat and post it for those who don't make it
That's a great idea. Interesting.
I think this is a great way for teachers to share ideas, share feedback, share successes and failures, etc. There are so many benefits to using this. The only thing I wonder about...is if people will remember that it's here. There are so many resources to keep track of...that it might (untentionally) be put on the "back burner."
I liked the part that people talked about sharing with someone that they don't work with. I can share with Karen because she us another librarian. Since I am the only one in my district it is good to bounce ideas off of her for suggestions.
Yes I
madeit hereTrumbull ESC
I finally made it here!!!! Open Space is a great resource for general education teachers who teach the same subject and grade level. They can create, collaborate, and build content instructional materials that they can use to add to current curriculum. Also, teachers with friends in differing school districts can do the same! I can try to find a group for elementary deaf education teachers to do the same as the general education teachers!
I made it here! I didn't realize that if I hit reply to your post that it would post like this. I was looking for a way to make my own post!
Oh my gosh...I spent nearly 45 minutes trying to figure out how to do this! I finally saw your post...THANK YOU!!
I FINALLY made it here! I could not figure out how to post in Discussions. I searched for about 45 minutes and finally saw a post from Carmel Gonzalez that made the lightbulb turn on!
Anyway, I think a discussion board is a great way to share information without having to go back and search for the replies...everything is right there to read if you have to backtrack. However, I am not sure how many of colleagues even know about this or would use this. It may just be easier to just to communicate through email.
LOL! Me too! I could not figure out how to add to this dicussion!!
I might use a discussion board like this with my content area teachers. I could use it for sharing lessons and ideas with my current grade level content teachers. This could also be used with the content area teachers in grade levels above and below mine. Espeically with the teachers in a different building that I don't get to interact with much about the content we are teaching in our grade level.
Well, I made it here! I see myself using this discussion board as a resource for me as a classroom teacher. I can share thoughts, ideas, and collborate with others. Since I currently teach lower primary, I could not see this used with my students it would be too complicated.
This would be a great format to use with middle school age and above. I could see this being used for small group discussions over readings. I am thinking it would be a great way to monitor reading circles with different novels.