Integrating Digital Text in Your Classroom

by INFOhio Staff 2 years, 6 months ago

What are two things you are currently doing in your classroom or instruction that will make integrating digital text easier? 

Gretchen Lawn 2 years, 1 month ago

I use Google Classroom and other resources for digital text, so students are familiar with navigating on digital devices.I will not use this resource. I was unimpressed with the navigation and the activities/lesson plans.

Tracie Kleman 2 years, 1 month ago

STudents read lots of digital content and this source makes it easier to share and translate. However, many of the entries are not very rigorous or robust for high school audiences but could work nicely for EL students or those with IEP's.

Leanna Falbo 1 year, 11 months ago

I currently use Scholastic with it's magazine subscription for preschoolers. It has an online resource for sharing their videos. I use my Galaxy view tablet for viewing. I also use my tablet for song videos that have the words displayed as it sings the song. Also some of the ebooks from the library have the words displayed as it is read.

Christine Badenhop 1 year, 10 months ago

During orientation, I have the students favorite or bookmark the digital resources we will be using.  I have found this saves time when the actual lesson occurs.  We also attach the links in the Google classroom to our Canvas pages.  

Taryn Thomas 1 year, 10 months ago

Currently I use Canvas and my students are able to access any link that I post, so they will be able to get to the resource any time they need it. 

Timothy Fuller 1 year, 9 months ago

I'm using Google Classroom and have integrated ReadWorks and IXL into the lesson for my students. Getting better as the year goes on as I use for SDI and PM.

Misty Tinney 1 year, 5 months ago

I am using Google classroom with my student, and I have set them all up with access to borrow free ebooks to their chromebooks, tablets, or phones.

Tina Jarosz 11 months ago

I am currently using youtube videos for books I don't have.  We have ipads in the classroom for free choice.  I will take those ipads for more learning based apps.

Kathleen Filippi 6 months, 2 weeks ago

What are you doing in your classroom or instruction already that will make integrating World Book Early Learning easier? In the classroom, we use the steps that are also used in the World Book lesson plans for the story books. We use 'Read it Again!'. It is very similar, however does not use technology. 

The device we have in our classrooms is primarily for educator use with the children to enhance skills for reading and concepts. We are a relatively small private center and do not have the resources to equip our classrooms for personal or small group use on iPads.

The teacher in the video shared several strategies. Beginning with organization and how she would implement the new guided reading system in her classroom. Starting with students who are already familiar with using technology and are a little ahead in beginning reading concepts.Then utilizing those students with knowledge to be leaders and peer models for the rest of the group. I felt it also clever that the teacher thought through each step carefully including beginning the use of technology as a large group, on the carpet with the Apple TV, and then integrating the iPads for the students for independent guided reading practice. Also integrating the ability to use the iPads as a whiteboard. 

The one challenge we face in implementing World Book Early Learning as a teaching resource is the laking of devices at our access.

A step we can take to overcome challenges to using World Book Early Learning in the classroom could be moving the class to a space that has a couple of laptops and a larger wall monitor when we have already completed the in classroom story books and large group activities associated. It will allow us to re-group afterward for a closing discussion.

The features do I like most about World Book Early Learning are the ease of access to all of the lessons, storybooks, activities and additional printable resources. It will be a nice addition and connecting resource with our Read it Again program.

Kerry Boscarello 2 months, 1 week ago

I'm using the smartoard along with Ipads for the children. I have used in the past youtube channels of people reading books.