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  • love
Wuthering Heights 3: Love or Revenge?
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Educational Use
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In this scene from the 2009 Masterpiece adaptation of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff interrogates Cathy about how she has changed since her stay at the Linton's Thrushcross Manor. As we glimpse Heathcliff's darker side, we begin to question his motivation-is he driven by love or revenge? Catherine is annoyed with Heathcliff, and yet slightly guilty; she knows that Heathcliff disdains the Lintons. She tries to dismiss him, but he recognizes her shift in affections. When he promises revenge ("I shall make you suffer for this."), we don't take it too seriously, but it portends the tragic turn the plot is about to take. [1:21]

English Language Arts
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PBS LearningMedia
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