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Ohio Curriculum Support Guide

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High-Quality Instructional Materials can be a game-changer, but – ask any educator – it takes more than a box of books to translate great materials into great instruction. If you are involved in the selection, launch, or support of a curriculum for your school or school system, this website is for you. This website is a collection of insight, resources, and lessons from other systems that have walked this journey.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Instruction Partners

Authoring Open Textbooks

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This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. Content includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.

Material Type: Textbook

Permissions Guide For Educators

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This guide provides a primer on copyright and use permissions. It is intended to support teachers, librarians, curriculum experts and others in identifying the terms of use for digital resources, so that the resources may be appropriately (and legally) used as part of lessons and instruction. The guide also helps educators and curriculum experts in approaching the task of securing permission to use copyrighted materials in their classrooms, collections, libraries or elsewhere in new ways and with fewer restrictions than fair use potentially offers. The guide was created as part of ISKME's Primary Source Project, and is the result of collaboration with copyright holders, intellectual property experts, and educators.

Material Type: Reading

Author: OER Administrator

Open Pedagogy: A New Paradigm for Teaching and Learning

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The main objective of this course is to explore and critique the role of an open pedagogy in education. Participants will develop an understanding of the concept of open and explore its application in, primarily, the context of educational environments as well as use and assess emerging learning technologies and social media. Participants will also learn about a variety of other initiatives and projects employing an open pedagogy, learn how to both identify and create open educational resources and develop a familiarity with the legal and policy considerations (e.g. copyright) surrounding the use and creation of open content. Through reading, writing, and sharing these writings, participants will make important contributions to the ongoing and exciting conversation around the future of teaching and learning.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Open Michigan, University of Michigan

CK-12 Middle School Math Concepts - Grade 8

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In CK-12 Middle School Math Concepts – Grade 8, the learning content is divided into concepts. Each concept is complete and whole providing focused learning on an indicated objective. Theme-based concepts provide students with experiences that integrate the content of each concept. Students are given opportunities to practice the skills of each concept through real-world situations, examples, guided practice and explore more practice. There are also video links provided to give students an audio/visual way of connecting with the content.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan, Textbook, Unit of Study

Argument Wars

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Ever tried to win a disagreement? In Argument Wars, you will try out your persuasive abilities by arguing a real Supreme Court case. The other lawyer is your competition. Whoever uses the strongest arguments wins! Cases include: Bond v. United States; Brown v. Board of Education; Gideon v. Wainwright; Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier; In Re Gault; Miranda v. Arizona; New Jersey v. T.L.O.; Snyder v. Phelps; Texas v. Johnson. For English and Multilingual Learners: Use the support tool, Spanish translation, voiceover and glossary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Analyze the arguments and outcomes of landmark Supreme Court cases Evaluate available arguments to assess whether reasoning is sound and support is relevant or irrelevant Recognize the significance of the Constitution and Supreme Court precedent in deciding cases

Material Type: Game, Interactive

Guidelines for Online Assessments for Educators

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These guidelines are intended to support educators in critically examining the role of onlineassessment in their teaching, and to provide different strategies and tools that can be used for onlineassessment, thereby empowering educators to make informed decisions about how they use ICT forassessment.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Dear Depression

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This is a creative writing personal narrative student project. It is a powerful personal story about one student's journey through depression. After writing it I encouraged her to put images to it. She created it a Google slideshow and then uploaded it to WeVideo and recorded a voice over.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Jade Pevley, Lori Lee


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INFOhio transforms student learning by providing equitable access to quality resources and cost-effective instructional and technical support for each student, educator, and parent in Ohio.

Material Type: Catalog, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: INFOhio