RCT Spring 2022 Post 1: Introductions

by Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago
  1. Please post your name, position, place of employment, and why you were interested in the RCT program. 
  2. Share at least one of the INFOhio resources or tools you have shared with others and what you like about it. 

Please post your answers below. Feel free to read your fellow RemotEDx Certified Trainers' posts and comment!

Aimee Mendelsohn 2 years, 2 months ago

Good Morning,

My name is Aimee Mendelsohn and I am a School Improvement and Academic Specialist with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.  I am interested in the RCT program as I am interested in supporting the schools, teachers, and administration I work with as they investigate high-quality instructional materials.  

I am very interested in sharing resources that support the Science of Reading and the new Dyslexia Guidebook.  Resources I am looking at are the Capstone sites and Pebbles Go Next as they seem to really support the core tenenta of SOR and writing across the different content areas.  

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

I am excited to learn more about the Dyslexia Guidebook. I agree - Capstone has some really great content and supports SOR!

Nicole Dozois 2 years, 2 months ago


My name is Nicole Dozois and I am an Education Consultant with the Hamilton County Educational Service Center. I am interested in the RemotEDx program as another opportunity/resource for me to support the many schools, districts, teachers and administrators that I work with. 

One resource that I have used and shared are the educator tools, I like how easy it is to use and the wealth of resources available to educators. I also really like how you can filter the resources to meet your specific criteria. This is a great time saving feature that is much appreciated by busy educators. 

I look forward to collaborating with everyone!! 

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Welcome Nicole! Educator Tools is a great way to find supplemental instructional materials for schools! The filters are so helpful.

Adam Michael 2 years, 2 months ago

My name is Adam Michael and I am a Curriculum Specialist with the South Central Ohio ESC.  I am interested in RCT program because I would like to be able to support educators by sharing high quality, already prepared, adaptable, vetted instructional resources.

Two resources that appealed to me were BookFlix and PBS Learning Media.  I liked the themed fiction/nonfiction themed selections found in BookFlix.  The PBS Learning media combined compelling video, activities, lessons, and links.  All of the resources I have found are worthwhile and there seems to be a resource for almost anything an educator would look for.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Adam! Welcome to RCT! I agree - BookFlix is one of my favorites. We have learned from users they appreciate how easy it is to use for adults and students and its content is ideal!

Natalie Crotte 2 years, 2 months ago

Adam - 

I agree with you with respect to being able to share resources that are alrady high quality, prepared, and vetted!  I'm hoping teachers see the value in these lessons and perhaps move away from flashy lessons found from a Google Search - not always the best quality in those activities, even if they are fun.

Caleb Allen 2 years, 2 months ago



My name is Caleb Allen. I am an educational consultant with Hamilton County ESC, and I am interested in RemoteEDX to be able to support local district teachers and leaders with resources to support learning. 


I've shared resources from INFOhio to help teachers begin some research projects with students. This has been helpful for them to get high quality research material to students. I'm looking forward to learning what other high quality materials will support teachers getting students to meet their desired success criteria. 

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Good morning Caleb! INFOhio has such great content (I might be biased) and I hope you will discover a variety of ways it can be used in the classroom.  Looking forward to learning with you in the program.

Lauren Walker 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren Walker, and I'm a Learning Coach at the ESC of Central Ohio. I'm interested in this program to learn more about the resources available so that I can pass along the knowledge and tools to our member districts. I am also volunteering with an after-school program that allows students in the central Ohio area to practice their reading skills weekly with a mentor. I would love to find free resources that these students and their mentors could use to help grow those literary skills in a virtual environment.

The resource I've shared the most with others is Academic Search Premier. I remember using this resource myself when I was in middle school. It feels funny coming full circle now that I'm the one recommending it to teachers and students as an excellent tool for gathering research that can be easily cited and trusted.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Lauren! I am excited to hear that you want to use some of our great text with your students/mentors in the after schoool program. If you aren't familiar with our Best Practices for Digital Reading, be sure to check it out! I hope the training supports you in your goals!


BJ Thaman 2 years, 2 months ago


My name is BJ Thaman and I'm an Instructional Technology Coordinator at the ESC of Central Ohio. I looking forward to learning how to better assist our member districts when it comes to the resources available through RemotEDx and InfOhio.

I've used the elementary level resources in the past, along with EBSCOHost in the middle and high schools. I've always enjoyed the curated resources at InfOhio and helping teachers and students research beyond a Google search.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi BJ - sounds like you have a good INFOhio foundation. There have been many new resources added in the past 9 months, so be sure to do some exploring!

Natalie Crotte 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello, all!

My name is Natalie Crotte and I am a Professional Development Consultant specializing in STEM education at the ESC of Lake Erie West in Toledo, Ohio.  As I am new to this position as of this year, I am looking forward to adding a new resource to my toolkit in order to provide new content, instructional methods, and PD to the teachers/administrators in the districts that we serve.

I am most interested in sharing STEM and science resources, particularly for the elementary level.  As we all know, teachers just don't have enough time to always search for new instructional activities, and I would like to curate some options based on the needs of our teachers.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi Natalie,

I am happy to hear you specialize in STEM. We were able to add some great resources that support Science, including PebbleGo Next, Capstone Interactive, and The World Almanac for Kids Elementary. I hope you have some time to explore these resources!

James Holzapfel 2 years, 1 month ago

1.  My name is James "Ike" Holzapfel; Everyone calls me "Ike".  I am a curriculum consultant at the ESC of Northeast Ohio.  I was tapped by the ESC to be a part of this training given by background in mathematics curriculum, leadership and instructional coaching, PBL, and data analysis for systems improvement.  In short, this opportunity will further my coaching acumen.

2.  Currently, I am most interested in learning and sharing materials related to the design and delivery of mathematics content.  There seems to be an increased focus on mathematics at this time, for ELA got the immediate attention as we gradually returned to in-person learning.  The is especially true as educators consider the idea of conceptual learning vs. procedural learning and constructivism vs. explicit instruction.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Ike,

Welcome to the RCT program! I hope you will take a look at the newest blog series on Teach With INFOhio on Literacy in the Math Classroom. We have a couple of great resources for math - Science Online and Today's Science. Don't let the Science in the title fool you! I hope you will have some time to explore these in addition to the content in your RCT training.

Gretchen Lawn 2 years, 1 month ago

Hello all,

It's nice seeing some names that I recognize. My name is Gretchen Lawn and I work at the ESC of Northeast Ohio. I mostly train Principals in the OPES 2.0 Evaluation system and all other aspects of leadership. I am interested in this program to support administrators in their work with teachers. During some of my trainings and meetings, Prinicpals have shared that they need more knowledge in best practices and resources for the classroom. I am hoping this program provides me with a great place for them to start.

I, like many others in this thread, have shared the Educator Tools with other administrators. It's a very user-friendly and easy searchable tool that they can pass on to their staff. 

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Gretchen! Welcome to RCT! I think you will find some great resources and practices to share with principals. 

Michael Triska 2 years, 1 month ago

Hello RCTs! My name is Mike Triska. I am an educational consultant and Innovation & Technology Specialist from the Educational Service Center of Lorain County. I absolutlely love BookFlix. I used it weekly as a classroom teacher and currently use it when sharing resources during professional development. However, I mostly use BookFlix with my own children. They love the paired selections and ask for it nightly.

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 1 month ago

I am glad to hear you love BookFlix! It is definitely one of my favorites! So excited to hear your own kids love it as well!

Lisa Walter 2 years, 1 month ago

Hello, My name is Lisa Walter and I work for Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center. I want to support teachers in the district in which I work with high-quality resources. I have shared the text sets and lesson plans because these resources are very hard to teachers to find. I look forward to learning about so many more resources available!

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Lisa,

I am glad to see you on Open Space. I would love your feedback on the INFOhio Text Sets! 

Elizabeth Curtis 2 years, 1 month ago

Hello all, 

My name is Liz Curtis, and I am an Instructional Technology Consultant at the ESC of Central Ohio. I became interested in the RCT program because I believe that it is an incredible resource for educators, and the news needs to be spread. 

I have shared the RemotEDx site that includes the lesson plans for teachers. Have lesson plans that are aligned to Ohio Standards and have been vetted is ideal for educators. 

Emily Rozmus 2 years, 1 month ago

Hi Liz! Glad you see you have joined the group. Be sure to check out the INFOhio Text Sets as well. 

Dave Miller 2 years ago

Hi.  My name is Dave Miller.  I'm with the ESC of Lorain County and am interested in joinging the RCT program to support schools and teachers in our region, which is just west of Cleveland Ohio.  One resource I found interesting was the information linked from INFOhio to cyber safety.  This is a resource that our schools, parents and students can all use.