In this context-setting lesson, students will learn that events are a great …
In this context-setting lesson, students will learn that events are a great way to add flexibility to a pre-written algorithm. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This lesson combines skill-building around events with a mini-project where students get …
This lesson combines skill-building around events with a mini-project where students get to build their own Flappy Bird game. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to customize their game by changing the visuals or rules. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This lesson combines skill-building around events with a mini-project where students get …
This lesson combines skill-building around events with a mini-project where students get to build their own animated game. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
Students will collect data from a Play Lab project and visualize it …
Students will collect data from a Play Lab project and visualize it using different graphs in this exploratory lesson. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This exploratory lesson introduces the concept of binary which is how computers …
This exploratory lesson introduces the concept of binary which is how computers today store all sorts of information. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This project lesson takes students through designing, developing, and showcasing new Play …
This project lesson takes students through designing, developing, and showcasing new Play Lab projects. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
The internet is filled with all kinds of interesting people, but sometimes, …
The internet is filled with all kinds of interesting people, but sometimes, some of them can be mean to each other. With this role play, help your students understand why it's often easier to be mean online than in person, and how to deal with online meanness when they see it. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this context-setting lessons, students will use a set of symbols to …
In this context-setting lessons, students will use a set of symbols to instruct a "robot" to stack cups in different patterns. Students will take turns participating as the robot, responding only to the algorithm defined by their peers. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, students will develop sequential algorithms to move a …
In this skill-building lesson, students will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. To do this they will stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, students will encounter pre-written code that contains mistakes. …
In this skill-building lesson, students will encounter pre-written code that contains mistakes. They will need to step through the existing code to identify errors. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, students will continue to develop their understanding of …
In this skill-building lesson, students will continue to develop their understanding of algorithms and debugging. With a new character, Laurel the Adventurer, students will create sequential algorithms to get Laurel to pick up treasure as she walks along a path. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, students will take control of the Artist to …
In this skill-building lesson, students will take control of the Artist to complete drawings on the screen. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This context-setting lesson builds on the initial "My Robotic Friends" activity, featuring …
This context-setting lesson builds on the initial "My Robotic Friends" activity, featuring larger and more complicated designs. This lesson serves as a reintroduction to loops, using the now familiar set of "robot" programming instructions. Students will develop critical thinking skills by looking for patterns of repetition in the movements of classmates and determining how to simplify those repeated patterns using loops. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This skill-building lesson has students using loops to help BB-8 efficiently traverse …
This skill-building lesson has students using loops to help BB-8 efficiently traverse a maze. This skill-building lesson has students using loops to help BB-8 efficiently traverse a maze. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
Students loop new actions to help the harvester collect multiple veggies growing …
Students loop new actions to help the harvester collect multiple veggies growing in large bunches in this skill-building lesson. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This skill-building lesson builds on the understanding of loops from the previous …
This skill-building lesson builds on the understanding of loops from the previous lesson and doubles as a debugging exercise for extra problem-solving practice. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, students will learn how to program a loop …
In this skill-building lesson, students will learn how to program a loop inside of another loop. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this context-setting lesson, students will write conditional (if/else) statements to state …
In this context-setting lesson, students will write conditional (if/else) statements to state the rules of simple card games. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
This skill-building lesson gives students the chance to practice concepts that they …
This skill-building lesson gives students the chance to practice concepts that they have learned up to this point and get their first experience with conditionals! This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
In this skill-building lesson, your class will continue to code with conditionals, …
In this skill-building lesson, your class will continue to code with conditionals, allowing them to write code that functions differently depending on the specific conditions the program encounters. This lesson aligns to national Computer Science standards from CSTA.
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