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National Gallery of Art - Lessons and Activities
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Lesson plans and curriculum including https://www.nga.gov/education/teachers/lessons-activities/uncovering-america.html Uncovering America-What does it mean to be American?

Discover compelling stories of creativity, struggle, and resilience in this new set of resources for K–12 educators featuring works of art that reflect the richness and diversity of the people, places, and cultures of the United States. Encourage creative, critical, and historical thinking in your students as you examine works of art from the country’s creation to the present day.

Thematic modules contain:

Introductory essays
Downloadable high-resolution image sets featuring background information
Essential questions for students
Classroom activities
Selected additional resources
What’s your American story? Share with #AmericanStoriesNGA or send your stories to classroom@nga.gov

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National Gallery of Art
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