You have found your sources. You have taken good notes and organized your information. You have an idea you want to share. The next step is polishing it up for others to see. You will need to choose the best way to share your new knowledge with your audience. Remember to give credit to the original author of any work - music, video, writing, or even a game.

Each lesson includes activities and resources selected to help students learn, practice, and apply research skills. Students learn how to develop a thesis statement and use citations, practice developing a topic with reason and evidence, and apply strategies and tools to produce, publish, and share research.

    21st Century Skills, Information, Media and Technological Literacy, Business and Communication, Communication, Career and Technical Education, Arts and Communication, English Language Arts, Writing, Writing for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
    Material Type:
    Lesson, Module, Unit of Study
    High School
    9, 10, 11, 12
  • Information Literacy
  • Inquiry
  • Inquiry Skills
  • R4S
  • Research
  • Research 4 Success
  • Research Skills
  • Teaching Inquiry
  • Teaching Research
  • Writing