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  • parentheses
Math, Grade 6, Getting Started
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Getting Started

Type of Unit: Introduction

Prior Knowledge

Students should be able to:

Solve and write numerical equations for whole number addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
Use parentheses to evaluate numerical expressions.
Identify and use the properties of operations.

Lesson Flow

In this unit, students are introduced to the rituals and routines that build a successful classroom math community and they are introduced to the basic features of the digital course that they will use throughout the year.

An introductory card sort activity matches students with their partner for the week. Then over the course of the week, students learn about the lesson routines: Opening, Work Time, Ways of Thinking, Apply the Learning, Summary of the Math, and Reflection. Students learn how to present their work to the class, the importance of taking responsibility for their own learning, and how to effectively participate in the classroom math community.

Students then work on Gallery problems to further explore the program’s technology resources and tools and learn how to organize their work.

The mathematical work of the unit focuses on numerical expressions, including card sort activities in which students identify equivalent expressions and match an expression card to a word card that describes its meaning. Students use the properties of operations to identify equivalent expressions and to find unknown values in equations.

Math, Grade 6, Getting Started, Evaluate Expressions
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students participate in an icebreaker activity, finding a classmate whose card contains an expression equivalent to the expression on their own card. The resulting student pairs will be partners for this unit. Students spend time exploring the digital course. They learn new symbols for multiplication and detect possible errors in evaluating numeric expressions. The class discusses and decides upon norms for math class.Key ConceptsStudents evaluate numerical expressions and identify equivalent expressions. They explore why the order of operations affects calculation results and how to use parentheses to clearly describe the order of the operations.Goals and Learning ObjectivesEvaluate numerical expressions.Understand the reason for the order of operations and how to use parentheses in numerical expressions.Use the basic features of the application.Create and understand the classroom norms.Use mathematical reasoning to justify an answer.PreparationPrint out the Expressions Icebreaker cards. Select the number of pairs of Partner 1 and Partner 2 cards needed for your class. Shuffle the cards before distributing to students.Write on the board or chart paper: Find a classmate whose card has an expression that is equivalent to the expression on your card.Choose a hand signal or phrase for common activities, such as putting technology away and focusing on the teacher.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Chris Adcock
Date Added:
Math, Grade 6, Getting Started, Matching Numeric Expressions to Descriptions
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to classroom routines and expectations, and complete a full mathematics lesson. The class discusses how to clearly present work to classmates. Partner work is modeled, and partners then work to match numerical expressions to corresponding word descriptions. Students read and discuss a summary of the math in the lesson, and then write a reflection about their thoughts.Key ConceptsStudents match a numerical expression to its corresponding description in words. Students interpret parentheses and brackets in numerical expressions and they construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students learn to use the exponent 2 to represent squaring.Goals and Learning ObjectivesDescribe the classroom routines and expectations.Consider how to present work clearly to classmates.Collaborate with a partner.Critique a partner’s reasoning.Connect a numerical expression to its corresponding word description.Learn to use an exponent of 2 to represent squaring.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Chris Adcock
Date Added:
Multiplication and Division, Part 2
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students deepen their understanding of multiplication and division, including their properties and extending their study of factors to include all units from 0 to 10, as well as multiples of 10 within 100.

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Fishtank Learning
Provider Set:
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