RemotEDx is a state-level initiative that brings together a unique mix of remote, hybrid, and blended learning partners from across the state to help schools and districts enhance, expand, and more effectively scale high-quality remote, hybrid, and blended education models. Consistent with Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education, RemotEDx places a premium on equity and seeks to support Ohio’s most underserved students.
The RemotEDx Hub includes instructional materials that have been carefully reviewed by RemotEDx Instructional Materials Reviewers. As materials are submitted to Open Space, the RemotEDx Instructional Materials Reviewers evaluate the materials using the RemotEDx Instructional Materials Rubric to determine whether they meet remote, hybrid, and blended learning needs. Materials that meet the requirements of the RemotEDx Instructional Materials Rubric are included in this hub.
Find, share, and create high-quality instructional materials that support and enrich remote, hybrid, and blended learning for your students and students across Ohio.