Ibiblio.org offers the address of the Japanese Prime Minister on the opening of the Imperial Diet in 1942.
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Material Type:
- Primary Source
- Provider:
- ibiblio
- Date Added:
- 10/03/2023
Ibiblio.org offers the address of the Japanese Prime Minister on the opening of the Imperial Diet in 1942.
This is the text of an address Austin made to the people of Louisville, Kentucky explaining the conflict between Texas and Mexico, and asking for support.
In this video segment from Greater Boston, learn how a man with severe motor disabilities can operate a computer and move a prosthetic hand by simply thinking the commands, thanks to the combined efforts of bioengineers and neuroscientists.
This is a perfect website for the younger student to learn about Native Americans in general and the Caddo Indians in particular. Lots of clickable, colorful pictures on their homes, culture, way of life, and earthen mounds. Also lots of historical and contemporary photographs of these Native Americans.
A profile of aerospace engineering as a career,includes aeronautical and astronautical engineers as sub-categories in this field. Includes Aerospace Engineering Overview - Preparation - Day In The Life - Earnings - Employment - Career Path Forecast - Professional Organizations -Profiles of Aerospace Engineers - Overview PDF - PowerPoint - Podcast.
This site provides links to 127 of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.
Here you will find a collection of maps of Afghanistan from the Perry-Castaneda Collection. There are political maps, relief maps, cultural maps, historical maps, and links to maps on other sites.
An excellent overview of ground-breaking African Americans who participated in the World War II effort in the European and Pacific fronts. Also highlights awards, honors and African American women in the War.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the baboon. Content includes information on this animal's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
This resource takes an exploratory look at the Bongo, the largest and heaviest forest antelope. Content includes information on the Bongo's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
This resource takes an exploratory look at the dikdik, tiny antelopes of dainty appearance that are slightly larger than a hare. Content includes information on the dikdik's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
This resource takes an exploratory look at the eland, the world's largest antelope. Content includes information on the eland's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the African elephant. Content includes information on this animal's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, predators, and more.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the gerenuk, a long-necked gazelle found in East Africa. Content includes information on this gazelle's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at Grant's Gazelle. Content includes information on this gazelle's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the hartebeest. Content includes information on the hartebeest's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the impala, a slender, medium-sized antelope so adaptable that it is found from southern Africa to the northern limits of East Africa. Content includes information on the impala's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the kob, a small antelope found in Africa. Content includes information on the kob's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the kudu, an African antelope. Content includes information on the kudu's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.
Resource takes an exploratory look at the oryx, a large antelope of striking appearance with long, spearlike horns. Content includes information on the oryx's physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, caring for the young, and predators.