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  • OH.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organizat...
  • OH.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organizat...
Rewarding Relationships
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0.0 stars

How can I make sure my relationships are healthy and positive? "It's complicated" can describe many of our relationships with others, both romantic and otherwise. Add digital devices and social media to the mix, and things get complicated even further. Help students take the first step toward building healthy and rewarding friendships and romantic relationships, both online and off. Approximately 45 mins.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: Reflect on how their relationships are affected by devices and the internet. Identify the qualities of healthy and rewarding relationships. Use the Feelings & Options thinking routine to brainstorm strategies for navigating challenging relationships.

21st Century Skills
Digital Citizenship
Information, Media and Technological Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Common Sense Education
Provider Set:
Digital Citizenship
Date Added:
Risk Check for New Tech
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0.0 stars

What privacy risks do new technologies present, and how do we decide if they're worth it? New tech, like location services and smart devices, helps make our lives easier and opens opportunities that didn't exist before. But these innovations also come with a cost -- especially to our privacy. Help students consider the benefits and drawbacks of these new technologies -- and decide whether they're ultimately worth it. Approximately 50 mins.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: Identify important benefits and privacy risks that new technologies present. Decide whether or not the benefits of new technologies outweigh their privacy risks. Use the Take a Stand thinking routine to consider both the benefits and the risks of new technologies.

21st Century Skills
Digital Citizenship
Information, Media and Technological Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Common Sense Education
Provider Set:
Digital Citizenship
Date Added:
Social Media and How You Feel
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0.0 stars

How does your social media use affect how you feel? Social media plays a big role in most teens' lives, and research shows that it causes intense feelings -- both positive and negative. But not all media use is the same. There are many benefits that come with both active and passive media use. For better social and emotional well-being, encourage students to become creators of digital media, not just consumers. Approximately 50 mins.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: Reflect on how their social media use makes them feel and how it compares to other teenagers'. Describe how active and passive social media use can lead to positive and negative feelings. Identify action steps to increase their positive feelings when using social media.

21st Century Skills
Digital Citizenship
Information, Media and Technological Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Common Sense Education
Provider Set:
Digital Citizenship
Date Added:
What You Send in "That Moment When ... "
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0.0 stars

How can we act with empathy and positivity when we're online? We've all faced thorny situations where what we say or do could potentially harm or hurt someone. Being honest is important, but is there such a thing as being too honest? Sometimes, innocent -- but insensitive -- comments or actions can easily escalate to digital drama or even cyberbullying. Help students recognize and navigate these types of situations that happen online. Approximately 45 mins.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: Identify examples of online behaviors that may hurt, embarrass, or offend others. Use the Feelings & Options thinking routine to analyze and respond to a digital dilemma.

21st Century Skills
Digital Citizenship
Information, Media and Technological Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Common Sense Education
Provider Set:
Digital Citizenship
Date Added: