Students explore the merge sort algorithm to organize elements in a list …
Students explore the merge sort algorithm to organize elements in a list using a divide-and-conquer approach. Students identify the components of the algorithm and learn about helper functions. Students then trace the algorithm to understand its functionality and determine its efficiency using execution counts. Students then work through the tasks on their Project Planning Board to begin the development of their Creative Coding with the Console Project. This lesson is aligned to CSTA standards.
Students explore traversing multiple lists at the same time by creating algorithms …
Students explore traversing multiple lists at the same time by creating algorithms and tracing code involving multiple lists. Students identify scenarios where multiple lists might be needed and consider how multiple lists might be used and traversed in games. Students then continue working through the tasks on their Project Planning Board to develop their Creative Coding with the Console Project. This lesson is aligned to CSTA standards.
Students have explored searching and sorting algorithms, analyzed their efficiencies using execution …
Students have explored searching and sorting algorithms, analyzed their efficiencies using execution counts, and implemented algorithms to work with multiple lists. Students plan and implement solutions using searching and sorting algorithms to solve problems involving one or more lists. Students then participate in a peer review to give and receive feedback on the progress they have made on their Creative Coding with the Console Project. This lesson is aligned to CSTA standards.
Computer Science A (CSA) introduces students to software engineering and object-oriented programming …
Computer Science A (CSA) introduces students to software engineering and object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. This curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. This full course from is aligned to CSTA standards.
CS First is a free computer science curriculum that makes coding easy …
CS First is a free computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. The CS First website contains 20 modules of coding and computer science lessons aligned to CSTA and ISTE standards, and in many cases, individual lessons are aligned to NGSS and Common Core standards. The site also features resources and professional development for educators and additional guides and supplemental resources like certificates. The curriculum is free to use and adapt and if desired, a teacher dashboard is available for saving student work and tracking student progress.
This document is intended to guide you as you start your CS …
This document is intended to guide you as you start your CS First experience. It provides an overview of how CS First works, and should be used in conjunction with your lesson-specific plans (available on the CS First website).
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