Draft of Grade One Standards and Model Curriculum with instructional supports
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Date Added:
- 07/14/2020
Draft of Grade One Standards and Model Curriculum with instructional supports
INFOhio's digital tools and resources for teachers and students in grades 6-12 support the Ohio Learning Standards, provide a foundation for the inquiry process that connects classroom learning with real-world applications, and transform students into educators, researchers, and advocates. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full 6-12 Digital Content Learning Pathway to earn up to 20 contact hours.
INFOhio's digital tools and resources for teachers and students in grades 6-8 support the Ohio Learning Standards, provide a foundation for the inquiry process that connects classroom learning with real-world applications, and transform students into educators, researchers, and advocates. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full 6-8 Digital Content Learning Pathway to earn up to 14 contact hours.
They offer a variety of options including a PD Online interactive course catalog, free webinar series, extensive library of videos demonstrating effective teaching practices through their PD Infocus, their My Teach Source provides classroom-focused topic packs with teacher-driven articles, videos, checklists, rubrics, reproducibles, links, and more to begin implementing right away.
INFOhio's quality resources and tools for children ages 3-5 and the adults who lead them support Ohio Learning Standards. They also provide a foundation of learning using a variety of media and prepare learners for future success. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full Ages 3-5 Digital Content Learning Pathway to earn up to 10 contact hours.
In this unit, students learn about the form and function of the human heart through lecture, research and dissection. Following the steps of the Legacy Cycle, students brainstorm, research, design and present viable solutions to various heart conditions as presented through a unit challenge. Additionally, students study how heart valves work and investigate how faulty valves can be replaced with new ones through advancements in engineering and technology. This unit demonstrates to students how and why the heart is such a powerful organ in our bodies
Bycatch, the unintended capture of animals in commercial fishing gear, is a hot topic in marine conservation today. The surprisingly high level of bycatch about 25% of the entire global catch is responsible for the decline of hundreds of thousands of dolphins, whales, porpoises, seabirds and sea turtles each year. Through this curricular unit, students analyze the significance of bycatch in the global ecosystem and propose solutions to help reduce bycatch. They become familiar with current attempts to reduce the fishing mortality of these animals. Through the associated activities, the challenges faced today are reinforced and students are stimulated to brainstorm about possible engineering designs or policy changes that could reduce the magnitude of bycatch.
Thia American Consumer Culture course features resources for teaching and learning from the early 1900's mass market through to the boom of internet shopping.
American Government is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected Module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. American Government includes updated information on the 2016 presidential election.Senior Contributing AuthorsGlen Krutz (Content Lead), University of OklahomaSylvie Waskiewicz, PhD (Lead Editor)
In the first of two sequential lessons, students create mobile apps that collect data from an Android device's accelerometer and then store that data to a database. This lesson provides practice with MIT's App Inventor software and culminates with students writing their own apps for measuring acceleration. In the second lesson, students are given an app for an Android device, which measures acceleration. They investigate acceleration by collecting acceleration vs. time data using the accelerometer of a sliding Android device. Then they use the data to create velocity vs. time graphs and approximate the maximum velocity of the device.
****Please note: as of August 2024, these training materials have been archived.
The videos linked below will help you learn more about the GenYES platform, curriculum, and Technology Assistance Projects (TAPs) as you establish your GenYES program as a class or club. INFOhio continues to customize the GenYES facilitator training materials for Ohio users.
During these videos, you may hear or see support contact information for the national program and its parent organization Youth and Educators Succeeding (YES). With the acquisition of the GenYES program, Ohio educators can contact support.infohio.org or your ITC for support or questions about GenYES Ohio.
Complete GenYES Ohio, Module 1: Planning GenYES and earn a passing score on the final quiz to demonstrate mastery and receive your certificate for 2 contact hours.
Through this earth science curricular unit, student teams are presented with the scenario that an asteroid will impact the Earth. In response, their challenge is to design the location and size of underground caverns to shelter the people from an uninhabitable Earth for one year. Driven by this adventure scenario, student teams 1) explore general and geological maps of their fictional state called Alabraska, 2) determine the area of their classroom to help determine the necessary cavern size, 3) learn about map scales, 4) test rocks, 5) identify important and not-so-important rock properties for underground caverns, and 6) choose a final location and size.
This course outline offers resources focused on the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean.
In this activity, students will explore how the Law of Conservation of Energy (the First Law of Thermodynamics) applies to atoms, as well as the implications of heating or cooling a system. This activity focuses on potential energy and kinetic energy as well as energy conservation. The goal is to apply what is learned to both our human scale world and the world of atoms and molecules.
BLUEcloud is SirsiDynix's next-generation library services platform that brings the best library user experience in a cloud-based environment. Through INFOhio, the following BLUEcloud products can be accessed such as BLUEcloud Circulation, BLUEcloud Cataloging, MobileStaff, and ISearch. BLUEcloud Circulation manages check-ins, checkouts, holds, and more, from any supported device with an internet connection. BLUEcloud Cataloging brings copy cataloging to the cloud, to work smarter and faster. With MobileStaff, take circulation out from behind the circulation desk, conduct inventory, and create a self-checkout station. ISearch, INFOhio's discovery search interface, allows users to search nearly all INFOhio resources along with the contents of school libraries making it easier for you to find the right resource when needed. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full BLUEcloud Learning Pathway to earn up to 18.5 contact hours.
To make the most of the Internet, kids need to be prepared to make smart decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence. Features a full curriculum or individual units of study so teachers and parents can help instill positive, safe behaviors when using the web.
Welcome to the Be Internet Awesome curriculum, a collaboration between Google, The Net Safety Collaborative, and the Internet Keep Safe Coalition. This resource is part of the Be Internet Awesome program designed to help teach kids the skills they need to be safe and smart online. This year, we’ve added 10 new activities to the curriculum. We partnered with the Committee for Children nonprofit organization to create new social-emotional learning activities to help guide children on their digital journeys. Additionally, we’ve added new lessons on search literacy and updated our safety and security activities to meet the needs of today’s digital world. You’ll also find activities categorized for specific grade levels to accommodate the wide spectrum of child development.
Notably, the Be Internet Awesome program has undergone a thorough evaluation by the University of New Hampshire’s Crimes Against Children Research Center. As a result of the study, this is the first internet safety program proven to positively impact student learning on topics of online safety and digital citizenship. The Be Internet Awesome curriculum is self-contained. All the activities are designed to be used with no prior professional development, minimal class prep and no special equipment or resources needed to teach them. Additionally, the lessons are reinforced through gameplay with Interland , an adventure-packed online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun—just like the Internet itself.
Five fundamental topics of digital citizenship and safety form the Internet Code of Awesome:
•?Share with Care: Digital Footprint and Responsible Communication
•?Don’t Fall for Fake: Phishing, Scams, and Credible Sources
•?Secure Your Secrets: Online Security and Passwords
•?It’s Cool to Be Kind: Combating Negative Online Behavior
•?When in Doubt, Talk It Out: Questionable Content and Scenarios
This curriculum was created for grades 2?6, however educators with both older and younger students have found value in the lessons, particularly with key vocabulary, class discussions (they age up or down), and gameplay. We encourage you to experiment to find what works best for your learners, whether that means completing the curriculum start to finish or going deep on one or two lessons most needed by your students. To complement the curriculum, you’ll find additional educator and family resources—such as ready-to-teach Pear Deck slides, printable activities, and a family guide and tips for the home.
The International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) completed an independent audit of Be Internet Awesome, recognizing the program as a resource that prepares young learners to meet the 2021 ISTE Standards for Students. ISTE has awarded Be Internet Awesome with the Seal of Alignment for Readiness.
Este es el plan de estudio de Sé genial en Internet, creado por Google en colaboración con la Coalición para una Internet segura (iKeepSafe.org). Este recurso forma parte de “Sé genial en Internet”, un programa multifacético diseñado para enseñarles a los niños las habilidades que necesitan para preservar su seguridad y actuar con inteligencia en línea. El plan de estudio de Sé genial en Internet les brinda a los educadores las herramientas y los métodos necesarios para enseñar en el aula los conceptos básicos de ciudadanía y seguridad digital. Las planificaciones de lecciones brindan los conocimientos esenciales a los educadores que preparan a sus estudiantes para que se conviertan en ciudadanos exitosos y protegidos en nuestro mundo interconectado. Para reforzar estas lecciones, se emplean técnicas de ludificación mediante Interland (g.co/SegenialenInternet), un juego de aventuras en línea para aprender sobre ciudadanía y seguridad digital, tan interactivo y divertido como navegar en Internet. El Código para ser genial en Internet consta de cinco temas fundamentales sobre ciudadanía y seguridad digital: • Comparte con cuidado (Sé inteligente en Internet) • No caigas en trampas (Mantente alerta en Internet) • Protege tus secretos (Mantente seguro en Internet) • Ser amable es genial (Sé amable en Internet) • Si tienes dudas, pregunta (Sé valiente en Internet) Las lecciones están pensadas idealmente para estudiantes de tercer y sexto grado, pero el plan de estudios les ha resultado útil a educadores con estudiantes más pequeños o grandes, en especial el contenido relacionado con el vocabulario clave, los análisis en el aula (acorde a las edades) y el modo de juego. Te alentamos a experimentar con el contenido a fin de determinar las prácticas más eficaces para tus alumnos, ya sea completar el plan de estudios de principio a fin o profundizar en las lecciones específicas que consideres más importantes para tu entorno de aprendizaje. Tras completar una auditoría independiente de Sé genial en Internet, la ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education, Sociedad Internacional para la Tecnología en la Educación) reconoció el programa como un recurso que prepara a los alumnos para cumplir con los estándares ISTE 2016 para estudiantes. La ISTE otorgó a Sé genial en Internet la distinción “Seal of Alignment for Readiness”. El plan de estudios de Sé genial en Internet y el juego Interland son dos de los numerosos recursos que pueden aprovechar tanto familias como educadores para fomentar un uso más sensato de Internet. Si deseas consultar los recursos adicionales de Google, como el aprendizaje en video para educadores, el material descargable para el aula y las herramientas útiles de integración tecnológica, visita g.co/SegenialenInternet.
Biology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. The book also includes various types of practice and homework questions that help students understand—and apply—key concepts. The 2nd edition has been revised to incorporate clearer, more current, and more dynamic explanations, while maintaining the same organization as the first edition. Art and illustrations have been substantially improved, and the textbook features additional assessments and related resources.
College-level course focusing on the principles of genetics. Course topics include structure and function of genes, chromosomes and genomes, biological variation, population genetics, use of genetic methods to analyze protein function, gene regulation, and inherited disease. Course features include lecture notes, assignments and solutions, and exams and solutions.