Read about John Steinbeck, the author of "Of Mice and Men" and …
Read about John Steinbeck, the author of "Of Mice and Men" and "The Grapes of Wrath," who was honored for his writing as a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. This website is organized into the following sections: "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Acceptance Speech," and "Other Resources."
This website from The Nobel Foundation gives the 1968 winner of the …
This website from The Nobel Foundation gives the 1968 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature -- Yasunari Kawabata -- is organized into the following sections: "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," "Swedish Nobel Stamps," and "Other Resources."
Read about the 1970 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Alexander …
Read about the 1970 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was honored "for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature."
Read about the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Patrick …
Read about the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Patrick White. This website is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Autobiography," "Swedish Nobel Stamps," "Article," and "Other Resources."
Read about the 1977 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Vicente …
Read about the 1977 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Vicente Aleixandre. This website is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," and "Other Resources."
At this site from The Nobel Foundation you can read about Czeslaw …
At this site from The Nobel Foundation you can read about Czeslaw Milosz (1911-2004 CE), the Polish author and 1980 Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. This website includes full-texts of Milosz's Nobel Lecture as well as some of his poems.
Read about the 1986 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Wole …
Read about the 1986 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Wole Soyinka. This website is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," and "Other Resources."
The Nobel Foundation provides a biography of Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996 CE). The …
The Nobel Foundation provides a biography of Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996 CE). The site contains a press release announcing his winning of the award, a presentation speech, a Nobel lecture and a picture of his Nobel diploma.
Read about Camilo Jose Cela (1916-2006 CE), the 1989 winner of the …
Read about Camilo Jose Cela (1916-2006 CE), the 1989 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. This website is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," and "Other Resources."
An excellent site for Nobel prize winners. Gordimer's page contains a biography, …
An excellent site for Nobel prize winners. Gordimer's page contains a biography, list of works, a press release, a copy of her Nobel lecture and a copy of a short story entitled "Loot."
This website, discussing the life and writing of Toni Morrison the recipient …
This website, discussing the life and writing of Toni Morrison the recipient of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature, includes Morrison's "Nobel Lecture," "Biographical information," and "Other Resources."
This website on the 1995 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature …
This website on the 1995 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature Seamus Heaney is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," "Selected Poems," "Nobel Diploma," and "Other Resources."
At this site from The Nobel Foundation you can read about V.S. …
At this site from The Nobel Foundation you can read about V.S. Naipaul, the man who won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature. His life and works are discussed in this detailed website,providing video, original texts and speeches and biographic information. Organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Bio-bibliography," "Nobel Lecture," "Video," "Prose," "Nobel Diploma," "Prize Award Photo," and "Other Resources."
This Nobel E-Museum website commemorates the work of Philipp von Lenard and …
This Nobel E-Museum website commemorates the work of Philipp von Lenard and his Nobel prize achievement. This detailed resource includes a biography, Lenard's Nobel Lecture, and the "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1905 Presentation Speech."
Here is the full text of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics …
Here is the full text of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics presentation speech. given by Professor O. Montelius. It describes Johannes Diderik van der Waals' scientific contributions, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Read the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics Presentation Speech originally given by …
Read the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics Presentation Speech originally given by Professor G. Granqvist, who was "Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences." this speech touches on the accomplishments of William and Lawrence Bragg, the father and son who shared the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Use this site to learn about the scientific work of physicist, Max …
Use this site to learn about the scientific work of physicist, Max Planck (1858-1947 CE), whose studies in radiation and light earned him the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics. Read his Nobel Lecture, "The genesis and present state of development of the quantum theory." Also provided at this website, is the 1918 Presentation Speech given by Dr. A. G. Ekstrand, which overviews Planck's accomplishments and contributions to the world of physics.
At this site read the 1921 Nobel Prize Presentation Speech, originally given …
At this site read the 1921 Nobel Prize Presentation Speech, originally given by Professor S. Arrhenius. This speech praises Einstein's contribution to physics, specifically his Theory of Relativity.
This Nobel Foundation site provides the "Presentation Speech by Professor S.A. Arrhenius, …
This Nobel Foundation site provides the "Presentation Speech by Professor S.A. Arrhenius, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, on December 10, 1922."
This Nobel website on the life and scientific work of Robert A. …
This Nobel website on the life and scientific work of Robert A. Millikan includes a biography, images, and internet resources for further reading and research. Also included are the 1923 "Presentation Speech" which praised Millikan's work and Millikan's Nobel Lecture, " The electron and the light-quant from the experimental point of view," which is available in pdf format.
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