In this unit, students will become familiar with fables and trickster tales …
In this unit, students will become familiar with fables and trickster tales from different cultural traditions and will see how stories change when transferred orally between generations and cultures. They will learn how both types of folktales employ various animals in different ways to portray human strengths and weaknesses and to pass down wisdom from one generation to the next. Use the following lessons to introduce students to world folklore and to explore how folktales convey the perspectives of different world cultures.
In this Interactive Lecture Demonstration, students will predict the main issues that …
In this Interactive Lecture Demonstration, students will predict the main issues that might be included in short French language videos treating topics such as endangered species, organic farming, the effect of aerosols on the environment, pollution and sustainable development. They will then view short videos on the topics and reflect on how their prior assumptions meshed with reality.
In this lesson plan, students will learn about the 12 animals of …
In this lesson plan, students will learn about the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. In the introductory first lesson, they will see how animals are often used as symbols. In the second lesson, they will hear one of several versions of how the 12 animals were chosen. They will then focus upon a few of the animals in the story and see how they can be used as symbols of certain human characteristics. In the third lesson, they will be introduced to the other animals of the zodiac, and they will be given a chart on which they will assign traits to each animal. Then they will consult a number of websites to find the traits traditionally associated with the animals, which they will add to their list. Then, they will come up with a number of ways to compare and contrast the animals in the list. In the third lesson, they will focus upon the animal associated with the year of their birth, learning about its traits and discussing whether or not these apply to themselves and their peers. Finally, each student will make an acrostic, combining the letters of his or her first name with adjectives that relate to his or her zodiac sign.
The Bedouins of ancient Arabia and Persia made poetry a conversational art …
The Bedouins of ancient Arabia and Persia made poetry a conversational art form. Several poetic forms developed from the participatory nature of tribal poetry. Today in most Arabic cultures, you may still experience public storytelling and spontaneous poetry challenges in the streets. The art of turning a rhyme into sly verbal sparring is considered a mark of intelligence and a badge of honor. Students will learn about the origins and structure of Arabic Poetry.
This 14 day Unit Plan integrates the Utah Core Standards for Language …
This 14 day Unit Plan integrates the Utah Core Standards for Language Arts and for Reading and Writing in History/Social Studies with the existing Utah Social Studies Standards. The students read, research, draw conclusions, and write beginning level argumentative essays comparing/contrasting major world religions. For a more thorough summary see the Background For Teachers section.
Kids and youth can have a huge impact on their families' spending …
Kids and youth can have a huge impact on their families' spending and eating habits. Programs like Appetite For Change's Youth Community Cooks Night program offers youth a chance to learn about nutritious cooking, and have some fun in the process. Spanish captions and transcript also available. [3:02]
This site is focused on the context of talking about the family …
This site is focused on the context of talking about the family and includes a video and a worksheet. This video explores the vocabulary and structures of family, age, marriage and family celebrations. The grammar areas of focus are on usage of the verb ser and tener, including TENER AÑOS to tell age. Because of the video content, Firefox users may want to use another browser since it has been know to have problems with the plugin.
This free tutorial covers some of the most common Spanish greetings and …
This free tutorial covers some of the most common Spanish greetings and phrases.
Lessons include: (1) Saying Hello: Common Greetings in Spanish. Learn common Spanish greetings. (2) Meeting New People. Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish when meeting new people. (3) Manners and Etiquette . Learn common Spanish manners and etiquette when communicating with others. (4) Expressing Yourself. Learn how to express your feelings in Spanish. (5) Saying Goodbye. Learn how to say goodbye to someone in Spanish.
Students research mask-making from various cultures, highlight the masks' connections to cultural …
Students research mask-making from various cultures, highlight the masks' connections to cultural practices, compose poetry to reveal their understanding, analyze their own culture, and create personal masks and poetry.
In this listening comprehension exercise, students of intermediate level French language listen …
In this listening comprehension exercise, students of intermediate level French language listen to a podcast interview and complete a questionnaire to check their listening comprehension and enlarge their vocabulary on health topics.
Outstanding reference in Spanish and English for illnesses, disease, immunization and other …
Outstanding reference in Spanish and English for illnesses, disease, immunization and other health-related issues. Most of the Spanish links tied to its menu have English counterparts.
This resource from the CIA World Factbook provides a detailed fact sheet …
This resource from the CIA World Factbook provides a detailed fact sheet of Saint Peirre. The content covers the French territory's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. It includes images of maps and the flag, as well as photos of the territory. This resource requires Java.
The CIA World Factbook provides an extensive page of information on Ecuador, …
The CIA World Factbook provides an extensive page of information on Ecuador, a neighbor to Colombia. Includes information on this country's economy, climate, geographical location, government, size, and much more.
This resource from the CIA World Factbook provides a detailed fact sheet …
This resource from the CIA World Factbook provides a detailed fact sheet of Peru. The content covers the country's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. It includes images of maps and the flag, as well as photos of the country. This resource requires Java.
This online game activity allows the learners to calculate their carbon footprint …
This online game activity allows the learners to calculate their carbon footprint using a French language calculator developed by a Swiss environmental organization. Students will describe their results in French and engage in related expansion activities for the language class.
A little understanding can go a long way. After learning about difficulties …
A little understanding can go a long way. After learning about difficulties that Palestinian youths face, students will write a letter to an official discussing these issues.
Brief biographical history with links to images of his works including "The …
Brief biographical history with links to images of his works including "The Four Holy Men." Also contains information on his high regard in Germany as an artist and offers interpretation of several of his paintings and his style.
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